What the hell???
That made me smile. How is the JW teaching any different from 500 years ago when religious dissenters were tortured or burnt to death because better to die now than burn in hell forever.
jehovah's witnesses & blood transfusions.
if your son or daughter were badly burned, he or she would require regular whole blood transfusions.
as a good jehovah's witness, it is your duty to refuse this procedure and watch your child die instead.
What the hell???
That made me smile. How is the JW teaching any different from 500 years ago when religious dissenters were tortured or burnt to death because better to die now than burn in hell forever.
this isn’t a usa question.
is your financial situation better or worse or pretty much the same?.
The same as last year, but next month I have to apply for my own job for the third time in about eight years. Central government has drastically cut funding to local authorities so I will probably have my working hours cut again. They say this will be the last time. Ha!
I'm in the UK, still one of the richest countries in the world but I'm annoyed that tax payer's money is funding new nuclear weapons. Depending on who you read Trident is going to cost between 50 and 200 billion pounds! So we have to cut funding for disabled people and libraries. Fear is running my country.
i’m sorry that i talk about dating a lot, i know it is probably very annoying, but you don’t have to read it.
but did anyone else have the most difficult time dating as a young jw?
me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year in half, we are in our early 20’s, and we are still not allowed to hold hands, cuddle or kiss.
My sister married a guy who didn't want sex with her at all. She ended up so desperate she had sex with a stranger. She was the one publicly reproved not him. He might be gay or asexual, not marriage material, not to a woman anyway. Of course being a JW she didn't find out until they were married. She's been miserable with him for over forty years. Don't do that!
can you believe it?
this funeral arrangement goes on and on and on.
if the people loved him so much he would have been elected president.
Strange the way the US honours even the politicians who didn't make it. We really don't honour politicians at all in the UK. Soon forgotten.
just concluded a twelve-day holiday in spain... seven cities in twelve days -- and not one sighting of a jw cart..
Spain... seven cities in twelve days --
Cool, sounds like a great holiday. Where next?
so this morning i'm walking to my office and there's the jws on their carts outside as usual.
and old sister, a brother in his 20s and an elder i instantly recognized from my jw days.
one of my best friends of about 20 years.. i genuinely just wanted to say hi as i havent seen him in 3 years.
But I'll know for next time that no matter how close we were to a JW, even if we we're related - they just dont want to know. -PE
The trouble is they're so invested in it all being true. If it isn't they've thrown away an education, a good job, probably married the wrong person because they had to marry only in the Lord. They've given up birthdays, Christmas, parties, dating, experimenting with sex. They've worn themselves out for a stupid, meaningless cult and their whole lives are a waste of time if you're right. So you have to be wrong, bitter, a bad person.
so this morning i'm walking to my office and there's the jws on their carts outside as usual.
and old sister, a brother in his 20s and an elder i instantly recognized from my jw days.
one of my best friends of about 20 years.. i genuinely just wanted to say hi as i havent seen him in 3 years.
You did good PE. A really human response. It takes great courage to be real in the face of this fake religion.
she is two weeks postpartum after having my granddaughter when she sang this .
Great voice, I like the lyrics.
i was having a great chat with a valued friend and fellow forum member today on the phone.. we were discussing how deeply we all get affected by jw interactions - even years after fading or disassociating.. you know what i mean.
those days when we run into jws who we considered to be our close friends.
or "loving shepherds" who don't act kindly.
It's more like a virus that invades your body when you're in a week state and takes over your DNA to multiply itself. We eventually find the strength to fight it off and develop antibodies to prevent it returning.
do you remember those families where all the sons and daughters had weird biblical names?.
i recall a " machlon" , "eunice" , even a "jehosafath".
can you believe it..
Potiphar Peleg was jokingly on one of the elder's baby names list. She ended up as Abigail. Don't mind Abigail but Abishag?