Hey Fulano a woman just died in this storm when a tree fell on her car in Ireland.
My greenhouse was damaged in the bad storm we had in February. Yeah I know we don't get hurricanes but we're starting to get bad storms here. Climate change is here.
the sky is so dark here in the south of the uk.
could be armageddon starting.. or then it could be dust particles in the atmosphere..
Hey Fulano a woman just died in this storm when a tree fell on her car in Ireland.
My greenhouse was damaged in the bad storm we had in February. Yeah I know we don't get hurricanes but we're starting to get bad storms here. Climate change is here.
the sky is so dark here in the south of the uk.
could be armageddon starting.. or then it could be dust particles in the atmosphere..
Oh noooo!
i recently had to accompany an older family member out of state to a family reunion.
it was a big reunion and not much was overtly made of the fact that i am "misguided" and not attending meetings (lost soul that i am) which was nice.
the thing i noticed that i was most struck by was all the dietary quirks in evidence during our 3 days together.
I feel one of the big reasons is STRESS - Still TotallyADD
I agree with this100 %. I do eat healthily but I think you can eat all the fruit, veg and wholefoods you like but if you are under the kind of stress we were in that religion your body is going to suffer.
the sky is so dark here in the south of the uk.
could be armageddon starting.. or then it could be dust particles in the atmosphere..
@Driving Force
the sky is so dark here in the south of the uk.
could be armageddon starting.. or then it could be dust particles in the atmosphere..
Hurricane Ophelia apparently. BBC says a women has been killed in Ireland in the storm.
the sky is so dark here in the south of the uk.
could be armageddon starting.. or then it could be dust particles in the atmosphere..
Same here Stan. Looks like the end of the world in Leicestershire too. Storm's comin'.
the songs in the old brown song book were way better than these new ones.
had they not changed the songs, i may never have left (halfway joking).
they gave no feeling, no soul (but of course there's no such thing as soul or whatever)!
Do they still have that 'precious gifts from God our children are'? Vomit-making.
“and now here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” -- the little prince, by antoine de saint-exupéry..
There is a downer on emotions at the moment, as if they will lead us astray. They helped us survive, we evolved with these emotions. We reject them at out peril.
i've been disfellowshipped for six years, since i was 18. i struggle with depression and self-destructive habits (minor in comparison to the suicides, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior of others i've grown up with who have left or were too afraid to leave).
i'm fairly successful for my age - respected in my field, i have an extensive curriculum vitae of published writing, presentations, and other projects.
yet, i often feel worthless and unloveable.
The misconception I had about depression was that you have to vigorously pull yourself out of it. Probably because of the WTS writing things like 'if you are depressed get out and help someone else to take your mind off it'. My personal favourite, not, 'if you feel down get out in the yard and dig in the dirt'.
From personal experience because I seem to have naturally low serotonin which then gets even more depleted when I'm stressed, if I start to feel depressed I pull back immediately, cancel whatever I can, don't do anything socially I don't feel like and I rest, rest, rest. Guess what, resting tops up your serotonin and other neurotransmitters very quickly.
Also have fun, whatever you want to do. It doesn't have to cost a fortune. Cook yourself your favourite meal, walk in the woods, have a coffee out and don't necessarily make yourself have to talk to someone else which may exhaust you. Treat yourself to your favourite magazine, sip your coffee and have a leasurely read. It really works, your brain releases happy chemicals and you start to feel better.
This is how I survive now and it's how I got through five years of suicidal clinical depression. Try it, good luck 🌷
the second coming of christ was in the 1st century at the destruction of jerusalem the temple the law and the old covenants.
so the new eternal covenant came into force in which people of every tribe tongue and naation would enter into.
the new jerusalem not built by human hands nor with bricks and mortar its spiritual cannot be seen but people will stream to it the sin issue is done there is no more judgment for those in christ .
and the old covenant meant he now dwells in those who love Christ ..........and that great mystery is Christ in you
I always found the idea of Christ dwelling inside me creepy. Sounds like possession or some kind of science fiction story about aliens who can take over your mind. Why do you like the idea?