If you're religion-shopping why choose one that takes away your freedom? No holidays, limited on medical treatment, they even tell you who you can marry. I realise you thought we were active JWs, sorry about that but please think carefully. Have you looked at JWfacts.com.? Don't be afraid of the truth. All the best.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
Work Christmas functions: Being a Bible Student (unbaptized)
by rulehayl inhi all,i have been studying with the witnesses for more than 6 months and regularly attend both midweek & weekend meetings, and i am nearly at the end of the "bible teach" book.
my boss is adamant i attend team christmas functions.
she knows about my studying and potential baptism next year, and has suggested that i attend and just not participate in activities like kris kringle.
Bought My First Christmas Tree Last Night
by pale.emperor inlast year i didn't bother with christmas as it still felt like a "nothing" day to me (thanks watchtower!).
this is the 2nd christmas since waking up and leaving the cult and i've finally bought my first christmas tree:).
i have no idea what to do with it though.
Put the lights
on first. Then some baubles and decorations. Have fun PE with your little daughter.
Louise Palmer: British Parliament to bring up the two witness rule
by Diogenesister infantastic news!
louise palmer, the lass recently interviewed by a major british newspaper and a csa survivor, has tweeted the following:.
what a busy couple of days!
Interesting, maybe you're right, there's so much tax evasion going on, especially if you can afford expensive lawyers.
It's hard being bisexual and being a jw
by Sally fields ini've been bi for a long time but i know it's wrong if you want to be a jw... .
Hi Sally fields, welcome. Your sexuality is of concern to you alone and no one else's business. This is what civilised countries and their governments have decided and they defend your rights by law. Don't let this tin-pot religion tell you otherwise.
As regards their history, well did you know the members aren't allowed to look at older publications because they don't want anyone to know it? As regards prophecy, when I was at school in the seventies the paradise earth was coming before people who saw World War l were all dead! Their prophecy has failed, which means they don't speak for God. Check the beliefs, get the hell away from this cult.
Louise Palmer: British Parliament to bring up the two witness rule
by Diogenesister infantastic news!
louise palmer, the lass recently interviewed by a major british newspaper and a csa survivor, has tweeted the following:.
what a busy couple of days!
Ms Palmer, 41, who lives in Evesham, Worcestershire, said that she was instructed not to go to the police. " I asked [the organisation]: 'What should I do? Do you report it to the police [or] do I report it to the police?" she told the BBC. "And their words were that they strongly advised me not to go to the police because it would bring reproach on Jehovah."
I'm so glad to see this in The Times hard copy this week and not just on line. It makes more of an impression.
Great news Diogenesister that questions will be raised in parliament, thanks. This Charities Commission enquiry into whether the JWs should have their charity status removed and start paying tax because of their appalling child safeguarding record has been going on since 2013! It's time the government stepped in!
Does This Site Ever Change The Mind of “Spiritual “ Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus indo you think witnesses who come here believe that in fact they don’t have the truth, after all.
or are we just preaching to the choir?
When my husband was an elder I felt things were just not right. I couldn't put my finger on it but I was worried enough to look for the elders book in our bedroom and when I found it I was shocked to find a section on stalking people suspected of adultery, even sitting outside their houses half the night. I felt it was wrong but did it anyway, I was that worried.
If the Internet had existed I'm sure I would have googled stuff and I was very 'spiritual', believed every word, pioneered for years. Unfortunately for me their was no one to ask. Now with everyone being told to buy tablets and become tech savvy I think they've shot themselves in the foot.
Why wouldn't you just google questions if you were upset, even if you were spiritual? To be honest I think it's more likely if you were genuine, really believed it because if I was still in and seeing all the money grabbing and constant doctrinal changes I'd be very upset.
More Kindness, Less Judgment
by compound complex ini am comforted by the realization that my little life has not been lived totally in vain.
there's been a lot of good stuff come my way.
most of my mistakes were not life altering.
I would have fed and clothed those in need instead of wishing that, somehow, they would be warm and well fed;
I still regret not supporting Bandaid and Liveaid over the Ethiopian famines. Still remember ignoring collecting boxes in shops because 'Jehovah will take care of that'. Ordinary people took care of it, people who put me to shame.
Daughter gets fondled -- mother's loving strategy takes back seat
by FatFreek 2005 innightmare on elm street.
mother to elder: tiffany, my daughter, shocked me last night.
she told me she was fondled by our hispanic neighbor after she babysat for their children.. elder: that is terrible to hear, sister.
Beautifully written Fatfreek. This is exactly the way they think, we protect our children but not if it brings our precious organisation into disrepute. What about their precious babies, little girls and boys!
Panpsychism - a philosophy with a future
by slimboyfat inat one time scientists believed that living things and non-living things were made of different material, accounting for the unique properties of living things.
this idea is called vitalism and is no longer popular.
what does remain popular (in fact is still the dominant view) is a similar idea that things that experience the world (humans, frogs, mice) are different from things that don't experience the world (potatoes, rocks, snowflakes).
What I meant to say is that the idea that consciousness arises from unconscious matter is just as unprovable as panpsychism. This may be difficult to grasp because reductive materialism is pretty much taken for granted in our culture. But just because it's taken for granted doesn't mean it's true, or that it should be let off the hook in terms of requiring evidence.
I totally understand what you've been saying about panpsychism SBF and find the above very interesting. We do take the rise of consciousness for granted. Nobody understands it.
I did understand what you said about the leap to consciousness in animals may be a matter of degree, a leap forward in the life of subatomic particles. I know you're not saying rocks can think, talk or mow the bloody lawn and I think it's really annoying people keep going on about rocks.
Personally I am interested to know what else you have to say and what other links you can give on here. I think people are reaching for something here that is fascinating. Who doesn't want to know how consciousness is possible?
Reverse Advent
by jhine inas christmas approaches l thought it would be good to share this idea about a reverse advent calendar .
this probably isn't a new thing , but it's the first time that l have heard of it .
we all know about advent calendars that have chocolate or little presents behind each door .
It's a great idea Jan, someone at work told me about it. You don't have to belong to a church either, simply take the food to a local supermarket that collects for the food bank.