What is extreme? Maybe killing is extreme, i'm not sure. If it is, then the ot -old testement- is extreme, because it is full of it. 'Jehovah' is extreme, because he is waiting to kill most everyone, or torture them forever.
hey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
What is extreme? Maybe killing is extreme, i'm not sure. If it is, then the ot -old testement- is extreme, because it is full of it. 'Jehovah' is extreme, because he is waiting to kill most everyone, or torture them forever.
hey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
I became a christian while i was a jw. It took a year to get dfd.
I thought i was anointed, i started believing the bible statements about immortality of the spirit, resurrection of jesus' literal body etc. After 2 years of this, i decided to take an honest hard look at all the bible contradictions and problems. After that, I could no longer accept this hodgepodge as coming from a god like the christians claim to worship. I still believe there is some kind of spirit dimension. I admire atheists for their courage. It takes a lot of courage to be one. They have less crutches to lean on. No messiah to come to their rescue.
What is extreme, what isn't? In school, there are many grades students need to pass through. I see the human experience in a similar way. It is nesecary for most of us to experience religion, faith, even unbelief. What is important? It depends on what our purpose was for coming to this earth. I'm not speaking for atheists, only for the way i see things now, which could change.
i spent a couple of hours today with jw relatives and of coarse the usual subjects came up.
based on our conversation and after leaving, a couple of the old questions came to mind.
i'm curious about the rest of the boards thoughts.. now this may be conjecture but what if: god made it known,in no uncertain terms, that h/she exists and is finally going to put an end to all the evil in the world.
I guess bother is not the right word as the questions don't bother me or disturb many on thos board.
The evidence can be construed to show either that a god exists or doesn't, depending on the nature of the observer. True, you don't need a religious dogma. Where the dogma comes in by necessity is when people try to explain god. What it is like. What are its goals.
Your second and third paragraphs are based on the wt dogma and that of some christians. Leaving dogma out renders all of those questions totally irrelavant. For instance, the question of taking sides suggests that you are assuming that god may treat people as groups, or that belonging to a group may effect gods attitude to him/her.
That your belief in god is not based on dogma, makes it all the more important that you meet your god.
May you have favorable winds.
i spent a couple of hours today with jw relatives and of coarse the usual subjects came up.
based on our conversation and after leaving, a couple of the old questions came to mind.
i'm curious about the rest of the boards thoughts.. now this may be conjecture but what if: god made it known,in no uncertain terms, that h/she exists and is finally going to put an end to all the evil in the world.
You are really asking me to stretch my imagination. 'God' actually publicly demonstrating its existence to everyone at the same time? I'll wait till it happens and i suggest you do the same, because you are going to waste your whole life waiting.
Youre still asuming that the bible is gods word some how, thats why you are assuming that the existence of evil and governmental soveriegnty is evil.
Here is a question for you, as you are probably a christian. Have you met your god? This could come in the form of a daytime vision, a strikingly unforgettable dream or somesuch. Until you have acheived a godmeeting for yourself, why bother others with these hypothetical questions.
Hoping for your illumination
found this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
You can always post your info here.
found this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
I did give my thoughts on guilt. They are about a quarter of the way down on page 2 of this thread.
It was addressed generally. While your offer to kick my ass was no doubt meant to be illustrative, it's agressive enough that i'll decline to email you. Thanks anyway.
found this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
The 'native americans' also came from somewhere else. Scientists who study that type of thing have named which native tribes came from the japanese area and which came from areas fo siberia. I don't remember the tribes, but i could find it. So these tribes should pay reparations to the groups that pre-existed them. Right?
This whole concept of human migration, whether forced or voluntary is totally subjective. Rights and wrongs have been commited since man walked.
pretty funny. Are there more on the net or did you create these?
found this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
You made some good observations. I was sarcastic, but i included reparations with repatriation: money, diamonds whatever. I believe the african countries from which slave were bought also share a level of responsibility. If americans whose ancestores may or may not have benefited from slavery must pay, make the africans whose ancestors may or may not have benefited pay as well. It was shown that selling their people created a tremendous economy. As well, since slavery was promoted in the US while it was a british colony, britain also has a debt. Let's not forget the middlemen, the ship owners and financiers, many of whom were jewish. They also made tremedous profits from this trade.
Yes, parts of africa are arid as are parts of the us. Nevertheless africa may surpace the US in its natural resources. Minerals, oil, timber,fertile soil. The boers of south africa and zambabwe demonstrate the potential. Through their tenacity, ingenuity and hard work, the boers managed to bring the standard of living of sa to first world standards. Since the suspenion of apartheid, the country has gone downhill. Its crime rate is one of the highest in the world. I'm not trying to justify apartheid, but demonstrate the inability of the natives for the most part, to build countries in a way that is considered modern.
Could blacks be educated to live in what we call a modern way? Much effort and money has been spent to try to improve the US black ghettos. What has resulted? It may take generations. Blacks who come from the carribean islands do better here than those who with ancestors originally here.
Some will say that african countries couldn't because of foriegn meddling. The truth is that all countries meddle in the affairs of other countries as they are able. The boers fought two wars to repel the british, in which they did not succeed. Nevertheless, they succeeded in creating huge farms, supporting the economies of their respective countries. America fought a rebellion for independance from britain, and is currently retaliating for what was likely foreign action. Answers are not easy.
found this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
It seems to me that black culture has pretty well filled our society: rock and roll with help from elvis, rythm and blues, blues, rap, the chalston which led to modern dance. White culture, classical music, has been displaced by black culture.
Many europeans were slaves for a time when they first arrived here. An irishman was considered worth less than a black man. By helping each other and by hard work they rose out of this situation.
Education, what education would they have recieved in africa?
Ok, i give up, let's pay them, but that isn't enough. We should give them more. What more could we give them? Why the gift of returning to their glorious homeland. Any african country of their choice and a free plane ride thrown in.