The wt had a simple way of handling the various hominid skeletons: they said that they were iether human or animal. Case closed. I wonder if thise blurs that arbitrary divide - the samll brain case and still tools found on site.
a fantastic homo erectus skull has been found in georgia - no not our former colony, the one in asia.. it is one of 5 that have been found at a site in dmanisi, it's the first homo erectus to be found outside of africa and it is in excellent condition.
the fossils are dated at 1.8 million years ago and comparisions of the specimens have thrown doubt over the details of human evolution.. it is possible that species previously named as h rudolfensis , h gautengensis , h ergaster and possibly h habilis were actually all h erectus.
the natural variation withing the species may be greater than thought previously.. the "lumpers" and the "splitters" are going to have plenty to argue about for years to come.. note to creationists - please read the article carefully.
The wt had a simple way of handling the various hominid skeletons: they said that they were iether human or animal. Case closed. I wonder if thise blurs that arbitrary divide - the samll brain case and still tools found on site.
a fantastic homo erectus skull has been found in georgia - no not our former colony, the one in asia.. it is one of 5 that have been found at a site in dmanisi, it's the first homo erectus to be found outside of africa and it is in excellent condition.
the fossils are dated at 1.8 million years ago and comparisions of the specimens have thrown doubt over the details of human evolution.. it is possible that species previously named as h rudolfensis , h gautengensis , h ergaster and possibly h habilis were actually all h erectus.
the natural variation withing the species may be greater than thought previously.. the "lumpers" and the "splitters" are going to have plenty to argue about for years to come.. note to creationists - please read the article carefully.
Here is natgeo's write up on it, getting back to the topic...
richard dawkins closes down his free-thinking/free-thought site ( for 30 days to reconfigure it 'because too many morons were contributing drivel' (he doesn't put it quite like that!
) he is then surprised because those self-same contributors call him everything under the sun (i won't repeat the names flung at him on our ultra -refined boards).
he now wants the site more or less 'peer-reviewed' (by analogy with papers to learned/scientific journals having to be vetted by vips).
I wonder is dawkins thinks about scarlet johansen.
it seems to me that this 20th / 21st century has made heaven obsolete .prior to this timeframe the average person would have thought ,somewhere just above the clouds is where heaven would be.then gradually as knowledge and science increased ," heaven" has been further removed from the vicinity of earth.then we had yuri gagarin the russian cosmonaut circling the earth in his space capsule , and he wasnt in heaven .now many people from different countries circle the world in space in the international space ship.they obviously are not in heaven either.. not to be overlooked of course is the moon landings , which was a major acheivement for science and engineering when it was first accomplished.. however their has not been one ,not two or even three moon landings , their has been six with a total of twelve humans who have set foot on the moon.
and they never encounted "heaven " for people who dispute the moon landings , do you honestly think other nations ,some hostile to the americans ,would sit back and not challenge these acheivements ?.
after all these years ?.
Like your mention of brane (membrane), rmt1. 'Heaven' may transcend the membranes, though.
touched by an apostate.
i cant decide if i want to curse or hug and kiss all the friends on jwn for giving me a bite of the red pill and allowing me the clarity i never had growing up.
we were raised one hundred-percent cult and our family obeyed all the rules that we could, some rules from the cult my mother refused to obey for a greater-good, like humanity, helping disfellowshiped ex-jws who were poor or depressed, she did not follow the cult's code of treating weak or mentally ill people like shit.
'Kind regards to everyone who picked up I was trying to explain the crazy ideas some she-elders have about the weak members of the JW Family.'
Were those the threads that some had a hard time telling if they were satire or serious? I saw fairly quickly that they were a release in the form of satire. When you first posted as a jw believer, was it under the same name you use now? Of course, if it was under a different name and you want to keep it under wraps, that is perfectly your right.
I am seriously glad that you are figuring thungs out and undoing the the ties that were binding you. Freedom is there for you. You just need to reach out.
I don't know what type of christianity you are going into. I was a christian for 2 yrs, or so, mostly of the pentacostal flavor. I got more into the spiritual type christianity than the theological, although i was reading systematic theology for a time. The main message i got from the spiritual source was total acceptance. All judgement/guilt was cast aside. I see the same for you, from spiritual sources.
richard dawkins closes down his free-thinking/free-thought site ( for 30 days to reconfigure it 'because too many morons were contributing drivel' (he doesn't put it quite like that!
) he is then surprised because those self-same contributors call him everything under the sun (i won't repeat the names flung at him on our ultra -refined boards).
he now wants the site more or less 'peer-reviewed' (by analogy with papers to learned/scientific journals having to be vetted by vips).
Or, perhaps he would be. Whatever.
richard dawkins closes down his free-thinking/free-thought site ( for 30 days to reconfigure it 'because too many morons were contributing drivel' (he doesn't put it quite like that!
) he is then surprised because those self-same contributors call him everything under the sun (i won't repeat the names flung at him on our ultra -refined boards).
he now wants the site more or less 'peer-reviewed' (by analogy with papers to learned/scientific journals having to be vetted by vips).
I'm evolutionary atheist, myself. Unfortunately, i am into some woo. Mr dawkins would not be amused.
when i first came to this site.
whenever i would try to talk about somethign from the bible that the jw's got wrong or reason on a scripture that had so much feeling you would stomp all over it.
talking about "flying spaghetti gods" and laugh at what seemed to be my expense and then leave the thread never to return and add any substance.
when i first came to this site.
whenever i would try to talk about somethign from the bible that the jw's got wrong or reason on a scripture that had so much feeling you would stomp all over it.
talking about "flying spaghetti gods" and laugh at what seemed to be my expense and then leave the thread never to return and add any substance.
when i first came to this site.
whenever i would try to talk about somethign from the bible that the jw's got wrong or reason on a scripture that had so much feeling you would stomp all over it.
talking about "flying spaghetti gods" and laugh at what seemed to be my expense and then leave the thread never to return and add any substance.
'Atheism isn't a "thing" that can be evangelised. It is simply a lack of belief in god. Nobody is converted "to" atheism.'
Since i'm one of the atheists who still believes in woo, and therefore not rational, i'm not yet totally converted to atheism, or to science. Obviously.