I generally agree w atheists. Sometimes, when they get too pushy, i might disagree.
when i first came to this site.
whenever i would try to talk about somethign from the bible that the jw's got wrong or reason on a scripture that had so much feeling you would stomp all over it.
talking about "flying spaghetti gods" and laugh at what seemed to be my expense and then leave the thread never to return and add any substance.
I generally agree w atheists. Sometimes, when they get too pushy, i might disagree.
when i first came to this site.
whenever i would try to talk about somethign from the bible that the jw's got wrong or reason on a scripture that had so much feeling you would stomp all over it.
talking about "flying spaghetti gods" and laugh at what seemed to be my expense and then leave the thread never to return and add any substance.
'It is fortunate, then, that atheists do not hold to any particular set of beliefs.. And they do not claim to know the absolute 'truth', as there is no voice/holy book to tell them such.'
Only the demand that whatever you claim to have experienced or seen must be brought to the lab to be tested under their conditions. That is a good approach, generally, but not always. Often, the evangelical ones go further and tell the experiencer what he did or did not experience, what he was thinking or doing, or whatever. Its has the flavor of the absolutist. The lab is the holy place.
when i first came to this site.
whenever i would try to talk about somethign from the bible that the jw's got wrong or reason on a scripture that had so much feeling you would stomp all over it.
talking about "flying spaghetti gods" and laugh at what seemed to be my expense and then leave the thread never to return and add any substance.
The idea that people should not be left alone in their belief is the basis of evangelicalism. Its part of the reason that the british came over to north america, to save the savages from their pagan beliefs w christianity. Now, of course, people need to be saved from christianity w atheism. Ironic, kind of, don't you think?
this may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
Interesting article, prodigals, especially the point that the cia invented the conspiracy theorist as part of an illegal op.
i have been lurking for a long time here and i think i'm prepared to speak about this experience openly.. .
i was born in a jw family and i grew up as the average jehovah's witness does.
even being very young, i helped with the territories and other work in the congregation.
You continued to have your mother in your life. It was a very courageous thing for you to do at 17.
this may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
Its crap. Springmier is full of it.
because, its good for business.
thats the answer, in a nutshell.
now, you can carry on, doing what you were doing, if you have a short attention span.
Perrie trudeau was satan, incarnated.
Yet, for all the melting going on in the usa, there is possibly more divisiveness there, than in canada. Possibly, more dynamism.
perhaps, you're a fan of tv, perhaps, you're not.
maybe, you like some aspects of it and not others.. my favorite tv hates are 'news', and commercials.
i always mute the commercials.
Showing the conglomerates behind some of the reality shows, they have had some deadliest catch people come on mythbusters, the british wheeler dealer guy appear on overhaulin, and the pawnbroker guys visit american restoration.
credit: flickr.
credit: flickr.
credit: flickr.
Cool. Pigs are really good at survival. They can eat almost anything. The southern states has quite a few wild pigs. The only thing they havent adapted to is the cold, up north.
because, its good for business.
thats the answer, in a nutshell.
now, you can carry on, doing what you were doing, if you have a short attention span.
Because, its good for business. Thats the answer, in a nutshell. Now, you can carry on, doing what you were doing, if you have a short attention span. Or, you can read a bit of background on this shocking answer;)
Multiculture started w the drug addled hippies in the 60's. Satan was the origin, of course;) He is the multiculturalist in chief. He likes mixing different kinds of threads in cloth, as well. Yhwd had to counteract that satanic ploy by giving his people strict laws to use only one kind of fibre in their clothes.
Anyhow, in the seventies this satanic mixing idea was taken up by the higher powers of the satanic system. Ramped up immigartion and free trade followed. It was good for american business. Here are some excerpts from an article i found, that goes on a bit more.
'the simple fact of the matter is our chaotic, multicultural existence -- with all the unfair stereotyping and bias -- lubes the wheels of business and makes rooking saps easier. It doesn't matter what those touchy feely "up with people" biz books say: We don't like each other much and that's good for business, because everyone goes home happy in the end, feeling they won something from partners who wouldn't give it up anyway.'
' Charles Darwin, in Voyage of the Beagle? After exchanging goods with natives in Tierra Del Fuego at the tip of South America, Darwin said: "Both parties were laughing, wondering, gaping at each other; we pitying them for giving us good fish and crabs for rags and trinkets. They, gaping at the incredible fortune of finding people so foolish as to exchange such splendid ornaments for a supper."'
'We Don't Like Each Other. Everyone's a Winner!
People have won Nobel Prizes for exploring this phenomenon. Myron S. Scholes and Robert C. Merton won the Nobel Prize for economics in 1997 for a theory explaining how the stock market works -- why stocks are bought and sold. They boiled it down to two words: Asymmetrical Information.
In other words, information that one party has that the other party doesn't.
That's the whole thing. In brief: one party sells or buys because he thinks he knows more about what that stock's going to do than the other party -- he knows it's value better than the sap he's dumping it on, or idiot he's stealing it from.
Consider these thoughts from Ludwig Erhard, the West German economic minister responsible for West Germany's post-war "economic miracle." "The art of economic compromise," he said, "is dividing the pie in a way that everyone thinks he got the biggest slice."'
'Ethnic diversity spawns win-wins on a vast scale across the commercial landscape. Bona-fide business people know what "win-win" really is: two people shaking hands and smiling, ' 'But this is difficult to achieve when both parties think alike.' 'This paralyzes commerce and stonewalls economic growth.'
'The late Italian sage and man of letters Luigi Barzini wrote a superb book about his childhood as an Italian immigrant to New York in the 1920s titled, O America When You and I Were Young. Here's what caught his eye immediately: "Sicilians did not need to learn anything about America ... The trouble with their native land was that it was filled from shore to shore with nobody but Sicilians ... whatever business you were engaged in, you had to face another Sicilian. They all knew the same secrets, conducted themselves by the same rules. They scented their opponents concealed fears, anxieties, hopes, or confidence. In Sicily this produced a kind of collective paralysis ... Life in the new country was infinitely easier for Sicilians because only a small number of Americans (mostly policemen) had heard of the Sicilians crafty arts. And these ill informed few coped with them as ineffectually as if trying to box with ghosts in a dark room."'
'But we like to think that our commercial success springs from the legacy of English common law, from our Bill Of Rights, our Constitution, our passion for liberty, the Protestant Work Ethic.
Yes, yes, undoubtedly. All these things contribute. They lay the foundation and grease the wheels. But mainly, it's because the U. S. is the land of the scentless swindle, or rather, win-win. It's a place where every group, not only senses, but has palpable evidence daily that he's in fact shafting all others. '
Read the rest @ http://www.blacktable.com/fontova040603.htm He discusses isreal and switzerland.