If you notice, when i said this originally, i was repeating orthodox evolutionary thought. I believe that is your speciality.
i used to consider sharks to be evidence for creation - and against evolution because it was stated that they are largely unchanged after millions of years ( hence, 'what evolution?')..
that's not the case, however.
If you notice, when i said this originally, i was repeating orthodox evolutionary thought. I believe that is your speciality.
i used to consider sharks to be evidence for creation - and against evolution because it was stated that they are largely unchanged after millions of years ( hence, 'what evolution?')..
that's not the case, however.
Perhaps, i worded that wrongly. That all are equally evolved is more accurate.
i used to consider sharks to be evidence for creation - and against evolution because it was stated that they are largely unchanged after millions of years ( hence, 'what evolution?')..
that's not the case, however.
I look forward to seeing the inner fish program.
Some more species that scientists believe have not evolved much in millions of yrs: fig wasp, some crocs and alligators, some octopii, coelacanth, cockroach, dragonfly, horseshoe crab and nautilus. Yet, fundamentalist evolutionists, ie, those who stick w current orthodox evolutionary thought, say that evolution goes on at the same rate, across the board.
Snared racket goes bald from face palming.
i used to consider sharks to be evidence for creation - and against evolution because it was stated that they are largely unchanged after millions of years ( hence, 'what evolution?')..
that's not the case, however.
Interesting discovery. Before this discovery, fundamnetalist evolutionists thought they knew that all things are equally evolved, except for the shark and a few other species. Now, since this discovery, they again think that they know all species are equally evolved (except for a few species). Kinda makes ya wonder why some species appear to be so unevolved, eh? But, fundamentalist evolutionists don't wonder. They know.
after knowing ttatt for many years now...i had made up my mind long ago that after 2014, i would no-longer subject myself to the boredom, pain, and frustration of following this cult...the wt...the borg.. so...i made up my mind that since the wtbts/gb makes such a big deal as to the "significance" of the year 1914 and this year 2014, there can be no greater time for me to leave it all behind.
i daydreamed of how awesome and telling it would be if everyone that could ( because i do know that some have personal circumstances of their own, as i did too) would just .... walkout...never to attend/step foot in a kingdom hall from that moment on.. independence day of sorts?
there is too much evidence, too many videos, blogs, books, news reports and lawsuits for me to keep lying to myself.
As the captain of your own ship, you may also change the date of your walkout. You could make it for any time that suits you, be it later, or sooner.
this is a practical decision - transgendered people have been victimised as much as, perhaps more than, other variant sexualities.
and, while not all transgendered people have a variant genetic identification, many do have.
there is also a long history of social recognition of a third gender in india.. .
The world will end, now. Not.
a different way to look at the organization.. suppose that the organization was a country of 8 million or so.
given that jw's believe that god will one day slaughter everyone else and leave them to inherit the globe, this is a fair matter to think about.. would "watchtowerland" be a theocracy..... like iran?.
would it be ruled by a group of old the former soviet union?.
It wouldn't have an army. Jehovah would protect it. Bwahaha.
it was really quite amusing 2day at the meeting when we got to the "this generation will not pass away" subheading in the wt.
the conductor spent very little time on the section and the comments that were given didnt at all make sense really.
you can tell its not understood by the majority of the friendsand will go over there heads, i was trying not to laugh lol.
They make the official trinity definition look logical, by comparison.
noah, my movie review.
you may have already judged this film and you've never seen it!
like many of its critics, you think you know what you're going to see and .
Well, since jews originally compiled the bible stories, some of which they took from the surrounding pagans, who better to turn it into modern medium than a modern jew.
faders need a secret sign to use at the khall.
the thought came to me after reading replies to datadogs post on stopping singing at the meetings.. i can suggest a few secret signs for faders to use and to look for at the khall, but it would be better that current meeting attenders make suggestions here.
if readers on this site can agree to a secret sign to use at the meetings, just imagine the power that would have at your kingdom hall.
The freemason handshake. Everybody knows their secret handshake.