I genuinely can't make my mind up on this. My boyfriend had seen the video on Pinknews and told me he thought it was ridiculous how the ex-JWs were portraying it as homophobic etc. It's just doing what religions do best...
I kind of agree. BUT at the end of the day, "homophobic" is just a technicality. Who cares? There is no doubt in my mind this is a very dangerous video purely because of the unhealthy effect if will have on gay JW children. I remember all too well what that was like and at one point being on the brink of suicide.
Replace "two mommies" with any two ethnic minorities and I don't think we would be having a debate about whether the video were discriminatory or racist. Or that JWs are entitled to believe what they like as long as they were not actually promoting discriminatory behaviour like refusing to serve ethnic minorities in a shop. It's subtle. Cleverly subtle. But maybe my boyfriend is right, arguing as to whether it is homophobic is ridiculous and just makes us gay xjws look bad.
But that wouldnt stop me expressing my disgust to a JW about this dangerous video if the chance came up to do so.