For me the argument about whether the video is homophobic or discriminatory is just semantics and is by the by.
This is the bottom line: Is the video poisonous and prejudiced? Yes it is, based on the psychological effect it will have. Just like the JW narrative about homosexuality in its talks and literature. This time it was in a cute video for kids.
Prejudice and discrimination usually go hand in hand. That's why, for example, many JW parents would be willing to meet and associate with their exJW son's girlfriend and would have them in their lives but wouldn't want to meet their exJW son's boyfriend. This is why a drifter who goes out and has a "worldly" heterosexual relationship is much less likely to get disfellowshipped whereas s drifter who goes out and has a homosexual relationship must usually keep it quiet forevermore if they don't want to get disfellowshipped or cut off from their family.
i could go on. The psychological effect of any prejudice and the discrimination that is the result of it is high. Somewhere along the line this point has got lost in the arguments over homophobia and discrimination etc.
Do I think it should be banned? Not any more than any other prejudicial media. But I think it's right to draw the world's attention to this video because it IS aimed at children and paints its prejudice with such a rosy disneyfied hue as to be all the more abhorrent.