JoinedPosts by krejames
Saudi's Wahhabism "excommunicated" by other Muslim nations?
by krejames ininteresting article:.
"for the first time, saudi arabia is being attacked by both sunni and shia leaders".
Those formula prayers. I want to scream
by stillin inwhen the co is visiting, i think i hear "thank you , jehovah, for this special week of activity" until i want to vomit.. also "jehovah, please remember those sick and afflicted.
we pray that they can make a recovery and be back with us.".
stale, canned, institutionalized garble.
And don't get me started on the prayers before mealtimes ......!
Those formula prayers. I want to scream
by stillin inwhen the co is visiting, i think i hear "thank you , jehovah, for this special week of activity" until i want to vomit.. also "jehovah, please remember those sick and afflicted.
we pray that they can make a recovery and be back with us.".
stale, canned, institutionalized garble.
I hear ya. To be fair, it's not easy standing up in front of a congregation and speaking without notes in a prayer, knowing that your every word is being judged by the co and elders and some members of the congregation. I hated giving public prayers, found it a highly stressful experience and on one occasion completely dried up for a painful full minute or so.
I do remember some wise words said to me: "don't worry, most people aren't listening anyway".
Long Time Visitor New Member
by LogansRun injust wanted to say hello, i have been visiting this site for a very long time and i feel like i know so many of you already, now you can get to know me but for now i'm fading so i cant give my complete story.
i'm single but have "hardcore" siblings in the religion, thankfully i do have family who never expressed interest in the jws.
i really checked out years ago from to much mental abuse and no recognition for all that i gave to this organization.
Welcome LR
New RC disfellowshipping video - disgusting
by krejames inhere's a video i think should be getting more publicity that's the so-called anti-gay video.
produced for the 2016 rc.
i find this repulsive.
Here's a video I think should be getting more publicity than the so-called anti-gay video. Produced for the 2016 RC. I find this repulsive. Felt so incensed, I had to tweet about it hehe.
Sorry if someone has already posted on this.
2016 Regional Convention - Sunday Morning synopsis
by Jehalapeno invia reddit.
here are the morning program highlights.
will update for the afternoon once it's all over.
And here's a spoof of Hitler reacting to the video
2016 Regional Convention - Sunday Morning synopsis
by Jehalapeno invia reddit.
here are the morning program highlights.
will update for the afternoon once it's all over.
Here's a link to the bunker video on YouTube
Demon possesion, bunch of crap or?
by raven ini've been using the forum to vent and post a lot more frequently lately as a venting purpose & way to obtain peace of mind with the craziness i've been going through recently as i fade away form the org.
anyways today i'm sitting here at work and thinking to myself about demons... ok i know this sounds crazy but has anyone else out there been traumatized by the thought of demons?
i had a dream the other night, just flat out spooky and i woke and couldn't help but feeling it may have been evil ole' satan and his demons at it again.. i don't want to believe that, (trying not to, & just brushing it under the rug so to speak) but have any of you out there been talked up about demons?
I used to be terrified of demons and if I felt I had sinned in some way that would mean jehovah taking his blessing away I would sleep with the lights on.
I used to to wake myself up in my sleep and be conscious but still paralysed and hear a buzzing sound. I thought it was demon and would try and say "Jehovah" but only an earthly demonic voice would emanate from me. I thought I was possessed. As I was fading I did some research on this and found I was experiencing lucid dreams which is apparently quite common. It's a phenomenon that occurs usually as you're waking up.
in fact lucid dreams also explains away the stories my mum and my sister told me of their own "demonic experiences". It obviously runs in the family.
Nowadays I'm a cynic but I do acknowledge there are some unexplained phenomena for which maybe science hasn't discovered the cause. I think maybe humans have more powers than we realise - such as the seemingly telepathic connection between twins. But I don't believe this is from a spirit realm
Maybe I'm Just Ignorant About the New "Anti-Gay" Video
by turtleturtle inhomophobia (
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.
can someone tell me, specifically, was homophobic about the new "anti-gay" wt video.
The listener: "Here is my question: IF IF IF IF I believed homosexuality, with or without sex, was against bible teaching would it be discriminatory to teach that to my kids? And if not should I have to use preapproved language vetted by the LGBTQ community?"
its not about getting any pre approval. When they believed that black people were cursed as slaves, based on the bible, should they have used pre-approved language endorsed by the black community before teaching that rubbish to their children? The answer is they shouldn't have been prejudiced in the first place (whether or not endorsed by the bible) and the answer is the same now.
Several comments still appear to equate homosexuality with a sex act. I repeat if a heterosexual drifter enters a heterosexual unmarried relationship with a worldly person, they are generally allowed to get on with it. No one asks whether they are having sex. The partner is often accepted/associated with too in time. If a drifter/fader has a homosexual relationship even years after leaving, they are more likely to be shunned whether or not they are known to be having sex. Remember the bible only comments on a sex act, not the relationship. The sin in both cases would be exactly the same: fornication (whether homosexual or heterosexual). This is an example of the type of discrimination that occurs as a result of the prejudice encouraged by JW teachings like this video.
Maybe I'm Just Ignorant About the New "Anti-Gay" Video
by turtleturtle inhomophobia (
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.
can someone tell me, specifically, was homophobic about the new "anti-gay" wt video.
For me the argument about whether the video is homophobic or discriminatory is just semantics and is by the by.
This is the bottom line: Is the video poisonous and prejudiced? Yes it is, based on the psychological effect it will have. Just like the JW narrative about homosexuality in its talks and literature. This time it was in a cute video for kids.
Prejudice and discrimination usually go hand in hand. That's why, for example, many JW parents would be willing to meet and associate with their exJW son's girlfriend and would have them in their lives but wouldn't want to meet their exJW son's boyfriend. This is why a drifter who goes out and has a "worldly" heterosexual relationship is much less likely to get disfellowshipped whereas s drifter who goes out and has a homosexual relationship must usually keep it quiet forevermore if they don't want to get disfellowshipped or cut off from their family.
i could go on. The psychological effect of any prejudice and the discrimination that is the result of it is high. Somewhere along the line this point has got lost in the arguments over homophobia and discrimination etc.
Do I think it should be banned? Not any more than any other prejudicial media. But I think it's right to draw the world's attention to this video because it IS aimed at children and paints its prejudice with such a rosy disneyfied hue as to be all the more abhorrent.