Mike, Mike, come out from whereever you are and tell us if you are really Mike Musto from TV...
Inquiring minds want to know....
did anyone see mike musto last nite on greta van susteren?
my wife and i were wathching fox news and they were talking about martha stewart's debacle, and low and behold there is mike commenting on how she is going to have to go from 9 houses to 8. anyway did not know we had a celebrity among us.... you did good mike.
Mike, Mike, come out from whereever you are and tell us if you are really Mike Musto from TV...
Inquiring minds want to know....
Wow!!! What a blast the summer of 2002 was....just waiting for the next holiday.....with all our new friends!
Thanks Ven for all the pic's and memories...Get some sleep!!!!
Salud & wife
did anyone see mike musto last nite on greta van susteren?
my wife and i were wathching fox news and they were talking about martha stewart's debacle, and low and behold there is mike commenting on how she is going to have to go from 9 houses to 8. anyway did not know we had a celebrity among us.... you did good mike.
Did anyone see Mike Musto last nite on Greta Van Susteren? My wife and I were wathching Fox news and they were talking about Martha Stewart's debacle, and low and behold there is Mike commenting on how she is going to have to go from 9 houses to 8. Anyway did not know we had a celebrity among us.... You did good Mike.
i think we have entered an era where the future of the watchtower is threatened by the.
cost of its own pretensions.
declaring that everyone else is going to die at armageddon.
Good Post. Now with the Society asking 1000 Bethelites to 'move' on, you wonder who will stay and take care of things, in view of the fact that those who would most likely leave would be people with not much seniority and those staying would be older ones. Ones with specialized skills of course would be encouraged to stay.
Another point. My brother served at Bethel almost 10 years, all but 3 months in the computer dept. He recently asked to go back with his wife (both reg. pioneers) but the Society did not need them at this time. Well I just found out that he is doing computer work for a Latin American branch from his home. He is hoping to make this an ongoing thing. Could it be that maybe the Society will have some 'work at home' projects for some with specialized skills?
Also, does anyone out there have demographic figures as to the age of those serving at Bethel? I wonder what percentage are over the age of 60 (ones least likely to leave, but least likely to contribute skill wise also). I used to have these figures at one time, and I can't ask my brother with all his connections either if you know what I mean. You have to wonder what quality of Bethelite will end up staying. I remember growing up you either set the goal of pioneering or going to Bethel, and that is it. You wonder what effect it will have on the young people now if Bethel is not all that encouraged anymore? That leaves pioneering. OK then , how do you encourgage young ones to defend the Society's pedophile policy at the doors?
muslim rebels in the southern philippines have beheaded two christian hostages, part of a group of jehovah's witnesses seized on tuesday.
the two severed heads were found by the philippines military on the remote southern island of jolo.
the army chief on jolo, brigadier general romeo tolentino, said that a note was attached to one of the heads, saying: "those who do not believe in allah will suffer the same fate.
How about putting some of the blame on Aby Sayyaf. Try telling Daniel Pearl's wife he got what he deserved for putting himself in a dangerous situation. Everyone has a right to believe what they want, but when you start beheading people and taking matters into your own hands that's when it crosses the line and you have gone too far, then those people are to blame. Just because I do not agree with the Witness theology or anyone else's for that matter does not give me the right to behead them.
muslim rebels in the southern philippines have beheaded two christian hostages, part of a group of jehovah's witnesses seized on tuesday.
the two severed heads were found by the philippines military on the remote southern island of jolo.
the army chief on jolo, brigadier general romeo tolentino, said that a note was attached to one of the heads, saying: "those who do not believe in allah will suffer the same fate.
Hopefully they weren't any of your relatives.
Just to think many of us here were in the same situations like these witnesses just a few years ago. A sad situation indeed.
edited by - ranchette1 on 22 august 2002 11:30:46.
You beat me to it. I had just got it pasted and here you already put it out there.
I will send you and Bill a copy of the newspaper today..
It was an awesome article!!! Way to go!!
Edited by - salud on 22 August 2002 11:38:25
just remember this website is for topics only jw related so there.. "resistance is futile"
Sounds awesome! Let us know and we will hook up. My wife is not going to the gym now and you are tops in her friends list.
just remember this website is for topics only jw related so there.. "resistance is futile"
What I meant is that my wife after seeing those pics is headed to the gym...
Speaking about Sister Hott earlier, remind me to tell you the story of our trip with the PO and his wife, but it will have to be over a couple of beers...
just remember this website is for topics only jw related so there.. "resistance is futile"
Thnx for the link. My wife is headed off to the gym!