Wow im so sorry man and good luck. Either you bite the bullet or start looking at a good divorce lawyer.
JoinedPosts by James87
Just asked JW wife to quit
by rathernotsay inso i wont get into why i asked my jw wife to leave... theres another thread for that lol... but more out of pure curiosity i asked her just now... "in order to save this marriage would you leave the jws?
", it was a snap call no, like not even a second to pause and think about it, which kinda took me back a bit, followed by a angry "why would you ask me that now?
" (shes going out witnessing with my kids and her friends).
Are you better off as a worldly person or a JW?
by Jules Saturn ini was having a conversation with a relative who has been inactive for several decades (part of the ‘75 generation) and he argued that a person that is a born in is better off staying in the organization rather than someone like him who lived as a “worldly” person but then became a witness later in life.
he argues that when you’re born in, all you know nothing outside of the organization, so you’re better off in than out, that’s why when born ins leave the org, they always come back.
i agree that as a born in, your social circle is composed of witnesses but i do feel that even born ins would be happier outside of the org than being in.
People who are born in have this illusion almost an ignorance of the world. Just do what the WT says and everything will be ok. The world does not work that way. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at you. A born in person is conditioned not to care about this life, screw studying ( do home schooling when you can), forget about college, don't aspire to grow in your job, forget about wanting leadership positions because they will all take away time from the WT. Everything revolves around the WT and their interpretations of what reality is. You are made to actually believe we are in the end of times, something that is so ridiculous to a non JW that one struggles keeping a straight face when they mention that. The best analogy might be the man behind the curtain in the wizard of oz but more malicious, thats the WT JW org.
Yes a person born in lacks social skills which becomes apparent when interacting with them. They are not bad people just misguided sheep lead astray by a false shepherd. One conversation i found interesting was a brother was recalling how he wanted to follow his dream in direction X but knowing it would need college and all of his time felt guilty that it would drive him away from Jehovah and at the end choose not to follow his dream. I remember staying quiet, thats when one sees the control this organization cult has. How a person would give up his dream because it would take away time from going door to door. Something i found so crazy but they where conditioned to think this way and this was a more progressive person, not a fanatical follower which i have dealt with.
I think one is always better off as a worldly person. The caveat is that as a worldly person we are in charge of our life our destiny. To many that is seen as something impossible and that fear leads them to the WT JW org. If we do bad in school, thats on us, if we fail to advance on work, thats on us. For those who dont want to fight, for those that have given up on life, the option of WT JW org etc becomes an alluring option, all responsibility is take away from ones hands and placed on this org. If something goes wrong its because god is teaching you a lesson etc.
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
“Jehovah’s people are the thinkingest people on the planet!” - Anthony Morris III"
Trump would be proud of them -
Sign JW Data Protection Form Or Else!
by AverageJoe1 inin spain (and the rest of europe), the "improved" data protection laws come into force on 25th may 2018. this is a good thing and sadly america is still lagging behind; not surprising with their current president!.
watchtower legal department are hot on the case and have instructed elders to hand out the new "release" forms out to all the publishers in their groups, whilst making it clear to them that they won't have any privileges if they refuse to do so!.
note these points in the instructions:.
What are in these s-21 cards? Im guessing just name address and phone number?
How is Babylon the Great a kingdom in Revelation 17:18?
by jwdoctrine inin revelation 17:18 we read: "and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”.
the watchtower's official position is that babylon the great is the worldwide false religion and nothing else but we never really think of babylon the great as a real country with physical borders and citizens?
i just finished writing an article on that, let me know what you can babylon be a kingdom over other kingdoms in the last days?.
Its interesting with good background historical information but just my opinion a little hard to connect the dots with today world since most of what was written about took place over 300+ years ago. The Church had great power then, today not so much. Time makes all things change. Nokia once rules the world of cell phones, today they are our of business basically.
Right now the Pope is a likeable figure to some, charismatic to some, and someone with moral authority to some, compared to certain current leaders in office.
I would say the Pope is more like a Gandhi, Dalai Lama type who is typically seen a good person. Someone you want imput from but at the end of the day have already made up your mind and will do whatever you wanted to do. Just my opinion.
JW dating sites
by Formerbrother inmy marriage is ending.
its been over for a long time to tell the truth.. im not completely out of the borg and dont want to be dfed.. i want to keep contact with fam and friends, but im very lonely now.. which are the best jw dating sites which have free options?.
im not going to pay a lot, just want to meet some single sisters or ex sisters.. any help would be much appreciated..
I cant tell if you are trolling or not. This makes no sense. Honestly if you are serious take a year off and like LostGeneration said make time for yourself. Rediscover yourself.
If you're expecting a mass exodus anytime soon, FORGET ABOUT IT!
by nowwhat? ini have to make a token appearance at the k.h.
once a month or so and this week went to a different hall.
and believe me they are all still totally oblivious to all the negative news about the pedophiles and shunning that have come under scrutiny by the media and other governments.
The mental gymnastics jw do makes Trump supporters blush. Remember commons sense and logic does not apply here. If they say the sky is purple and it’s freezing while it’s blue and 98 degrees outside the followers will say it’s purple and freezing
If the Disfelowshupp /Shunning araingment is so loveing
by poopie inwhy out of 52 convention outlines it's not mentioned 1 time?.
How in the world would it be a loving thing? That behavior is despicable.
Memorial.. To go or not to go
by Emily1987 inso, as some of you will know myself and my husband are in the process of fading.
haven't been to a meeting since beginning of 2017. .
we weren't planning on going to the memorial, but last week my mother broke down and said that we have to go to the memorial even if it's the only meeting i go to this year.
Do that you think is best, you know your mom best. Yes she is under there control mentally but you know her best. Honestly just go stay quiet for the what hour it is. Spend that time self reflection on how yeah this is not what you want to etc and then just when the thing ends walk out. If you stay afterward then people can approach you, you are leaving yourself open to like an attack way. If you quietly walk out fast they cant do anything and will talk to the people who stick around so its a win win. But do what you think is best
Why are there more sisters than brothers at the Kingdom Hauls?
by Sour Grapes ini have always wondered why there are more females than males in all of the congregations that i have visited?
some of these females are in their 70's so maybe their husbands have died and women just live longer.
or could the reason be that years ago men were the breadwinners and women stayed home to raise the children thus they were home during the week when the jdubs came a knocking?
While i can not answer that i do think Sour Grapes is on to something. Lets think about this logically. A guy typically will be drawn in by the girl here. Another thing to consider depending on if both spouses work, if its just the man, if he was born into the "organization" he will not the skill set to be well off or have stability in his live via work typically then add a wife and kids maybe so imagine the stress . So more undue pressure is placed on them which can contribute to a shorter life span. The wife is happy walking with other older women, making her circle of friends etc. So for many women i think they are ok with a divorce because they get to stay in and keep there circle of friends. I get the impression the bonds between women here is strong than the one among the males, for males it just seems so superficial, fake might be the best way to put it. Just first hand observance. There is more but for now i think this helps explain it.