Well Rachel. now it will be more than 28 people , who will find this helpfull...
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Well Rachel. now it will be more than 28 people , who will find this helpfull...
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Those book reviews on The Reluctant Apostate are outstanding.
the sad thing about that is there was so much more Real and honest reviews ,a few years back .from peoples who never were JW, and some never heard of Lloyd Evans,never saw is Youtube,they just read is book and ,and most of them were saying how bad writing it was,how he was clearly an amateur,he should had use the help of an editor? anyway but he DELETE all those comment now! that is why i posted those 2 comment here cause he will delete them too eventually.
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EMILY S did not like the christmas story either...from https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/34107440-the-reluctant-apostate...
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from MAR.14 2022...ouch! NOT!
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:astonished: Thank you DIOGENESISTER! :laughing:
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I was being sarcastic about him apologizing ,As If
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RABBIT HOLE here...So he Does Apologise...In 2013 ...
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:laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: THANKS SIMON!
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About the HAIR thing...Maybe he could ask Tibor to Green Screen him some comb hair...IT'S A JOKE ...2 birds with one post, This is a post about G.S after all... right?
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To be fair, the governing body at least run a comb through their hair before going on camera.
my introvert brain just remember ,i read a few years ago, pretty sure it was on JW watch, he add a big argument with somebody about another activist? having better Hair than him ,do any of you remember this? anyway now I have to go down that rabbit hole and find it .Thanks simon .Because of you i will have to read is old Rant.. (SIMON this forum need a POO emoji b.t.w) .kidding If I see any good one ,i will post them here Cause you think I will be the only one to SUFFER? OH WATCHOWER HELL NO!