highly spoken of by the local brothers, which ticked a major box on my list of requirements
He had a what? Mister I watch porn ,and masturbate in the bethel shower ,while he was at ministerial school ,had a requirements list? O.M.G....
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highly spoken of by the local brothers, which ticked a major box on my list of requirements
He had a what? Mister I watch porn ,and masturbate in the bethel shower ,while he was at ministerial school ,had a requirements list? O.M.G....
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Definitely ongoing shenanigans with the Patreon numbers
YES! July 1 it was 469 ,and now 485? because he's on vacation there is not really new video on his youtube chanel. That "buffet "one was probably made in june or may? Everybody are talking about the JW convention ,on twitter, what was said ,like Lett saying babies are enemy's of God, some even made rebuttal video on them.already.But where are is video on the convention? a lot of is patrons look forward to those stupid long boring convention video.even today on twitter he post that...By the time he start making them, what in august? everybody will all know about what was said ,seen all the clips ect... and most will be HEARD THAT ,SEEN THAT, OVER WITH..If i was a patrons ,I would think that's why I gave you $ ,so you can be the first one to make those videos, not , giving you $ so you and your family can go on vacation AGAIN! In the past he would do the convention video FIRST then go on vacation AFTER
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and tells the whole world about it.
On his Youtube channel...Then he takes it down...But somebody saved it , repost it...And it's there FOREVER
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still using is kids to show is patrons he's still a good "family" man"
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maybe after this project he should start another one. he could interview Sex-workers , ask them to tell him there life story, how they ended up becoming prostitute in the first place,,,By now he should know quite a few so he could start with them... I wonder if i would make that suggestion on is youtube comment if he would delete it? and NO I don't think he would feel bad for using them at all . A=hole
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kim are you talking about is new faith unchalenged . project God's Buffet? what ever the hell is this? him who was so condescending with chistians beleiver, now he interview them ,and i like the way he said with no jugment...oh shut up! what your tired of the JW community ,or maybe he's trying to get some Mormons Patrons now they do have a lot of Money...and they can have many wife too... young wife,.. and the mormons religion is a lot like the jw...O.M.G?
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Lloyd just be paying his wife to accompany him on holiday,
imo, I think the "I will write 2 books" ,was more for her , he's such a rat, cause seriously we all talk about that write about what? I could see him telling her ,take me back i will be good i will start "writing" again bla bla bla, cause he needs to make those stupid convention rebuttal crap .in the Bunker ,and my guess ,living all by himself he didn't like that nobody was there to cook,clean, ect...eating out can be expensif for a cheapskate, and I don't see him putting all the work in making new (none JW) friends .and with the drop of a lot of is patrons he can't afford a divorce right now., by the way i give him 5 days ,after he move back home to be the same old same old jerk again... as for the holidays, asking her to go on a trip with the kids during there wedding anniversary was a perfect ruse to win her back...
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las malvinas son argentinas i really like your comment ,my stupid mouse click the dislike button by mistake,then i click the like one. sorry...not the first time i do this too...
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When is Patrons number are down ,what does he do...Put a cute photo of him and one of is little girls,on twitter ...
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Yesterday 469 patrons today 673 ? Who did this?