Instead of trying to knife me...
still have that JW mentality that Worldly teenager are bad, violent .and dangerous... Now I don't have a Jedi mind.but I'm pretty sure that Prostitute Pimp have more than knife...And he's not affraid of them?
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Instead of trying to knife me...
still have that JW mentality that Worldly teenager are bad, violent .and dangerous... Now I don't have a Jedi mind.but I'm pretty sure that Prostitute Pimp have more than knife...And he's not affraid of them?
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I don’t understand the question
Hi kim.I was talking about his father. That course is for Ministerial servant, so how can an Elder (lloyd dad) take that course? Elders have there own shcool ,class what ever crap if i remember right , at bethel for 2 weeks ,every 2 -3 years? But then again were talking about Watchtower here , all there rules. teaching, makes no sense. And pretty sure being an elders son helps a lot for being invited to attend that shcool...It also help them Not to be publicly reproof, disfellowship, have there son BLUE ENVELOPE hidden by JW bethel branch office...allegedly... escape,sorry ''MOVE '' far far away in a small village in the middle of nowhere . where everybody speaks a different language, and they have no clue that an Elder son is making apostate video on youtube in the basement and visit prostitutes on a regular basic...I went to far again didn't I...have a nice day?
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Back in 2014, JLE did do a youtube video where he talk about his MTS experience...(video feb.24 2014) I made a joke earlier about don't forget to show your diploma, he already did that...Even though his video was boring, he said this: the course was 2 month long, his father in 2011 also went to MTS, they both quit there job to attend, Lloyd managed to beg for his job back, but he said his father still hasn't got a job ever since that ? Also his mother made it very clear she wanted him to go to MTS? and that in her resurrection she wanted to see his graduation video? wonder what she would say about his Febuary 2022 video... By the way I thought his father was an Elder,but he went to a MTS? Was it because he add to step down when L.E. all drama occured?those anybody have New Light on this...
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Wow...If the MTS is just that ,Elders speaking a lot of shit...
No wonder M.Evans love it so much...He must have been Top of His Class...Graduated with honnor... too soon
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Love this comment of M.Winters .This is how I expect a Real EX-JW to talk about his former religion...Cult.
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I can give you all a glimpse on my MTS experience...
The one he wrote in his book? At bethel? in the shower? again?
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why does he always have to brag about , I went to MS shcool, I was an Elders...So what! GET OVER IT! He took a stupid 2 week course at bethel.( where he played with is genitals in the shower) boo.hoo! And he was an elder for 1 year! Where he did what exactly? give a talk in a convention? was in charge of the Watchtower study crap thingy?was ask to be in a judicial committee? NOPE. he was grooming, Sexting..,sorry, helping young GIRLS...I mean young ones in the cong. with who knows his car and nose,behind his wife back...Most real EX-JW would say they wasted there time doing that stuff,but no no not him...EX-JW my tokhes...go ahead do your stupid youtube video and don't
forget to show your MS diploma ...funny how he never brag about being a pioneer...not prestigious enough I guess...And he really SUCK at it too...What I am saying...He SUCK at everything in ever did in his life so far...
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You can take somebody Out of Watchtower, but you can't take the Watchtower out of that guy...
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now it make me wonder, what he will say or do to producer Bob when Kim silvio release her video on youtube...