actually repressing homosexual
That's not the frst time somebody says that. But here's why i don't think so. If he was he would have share that with Kim and producer Bob.Sorry he would have BRAG about it or use that in his favor to really play the victim repress card. Or his wife would have said something to one of them.Then when kim goes on reddit to tell his patrons how he spend there money, bla bla bla, he would have either beg her not to reveal his secret, tell people on social media to back off on her, or he would he would have share that in is livestream video before she did...but I could be wrong.If he is gay, then the only reason i could see why he wants to keep that a secret would be ,because of his dad. Maybe his dad could deal with him being an apostate ,but never a homosexual... Or I could be wrong again...