Taking about Barbara Anderson's , I wonder if L.E. ever ask her for an interview. You can see her in his 2013 video.
JoinedPosts by Toblerone5
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Ask and you shall receive; this interview is just absolutely cringe to watch:
Under that youtube video ,somebody post that comment. I wonder who is the journalist who vetted him, I would like to read that article. Anybody knows ,who he's talking about?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
this is from is new " Voicemail" video ,that so far only have 3.229 views, and only 29 comments . (24 oct) .O.M.G. Seriously look who's taking! And how about "people" who write "letters" then post them on the internet, insulting threatening to Sue or bring them to Australian court even? Is this also ''FRUSTRATING"
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
reading this thread that someone on here said would be an interesting read in seeing Lloyd's personality shining through maybe 30 pages ago and I forgot who suggested it.
that thread was from 10 year ago. which means his wife was either pregnant or just had a first baby girl. And instead of finding a job to support his wife and new baby ,he was on this site ,arguing,bullying,insulting people? OMG. no wonder on page 26 of that thread he said :"What upsets both me and my wife is that someone threatened us" ...You should apologise and subsequently causing hurt and distress to my wife and I...Yes his wife must have been stress out with HIM ,sitting on is fat ass all day having hissy fit on social media ,then my guess, he would complain to her about it over and over ...then he would take a break and go and write about "his sexual frustration" and write in details how he manage to release the "sexual kraken" between is legs...for his stupid book.what a jerk! what a lazy jerk.Anyway that's what i was thinking when reading that post. All of it. He really needed help ,mentally back then and 10 years later he still do.
Patterson on the line: Watchtower claims that paying cash bond would cause immediate irreparable harm and hardship
by cedars ina new article for those who are interested.... http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/patterson-on-the-line-watchtower-claims-that-paying-cash-bond-would-cause-immediate-irreparable-harm-and-hardship.
reading this thread that someone on here said would be an interesting read in seeing Lloyd's personality shining through maybe 30 pages ago and I forgot who suggested it.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I can't help but wonder how other parents have been replying to their...
...14 years old daughter when an Maried men in his Twenties is Sex texting them?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
He won't have the same interviews, news from O'Donnell, etc.
Funny you say that DerekMoors, he got this tweet and he never answer back ,cause no he doesn't have it .there is no more PIMO bethelite who will Leak videos or news to Him anymore. There is already some video clip of that annual meething on Twitter ,from Pimo JW. He used to make is rebuttal videos of those talks. before it was on the JW broadcasting, kind of bragging how he got those even before the regular JW could. Not anymore!
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I can't help but wonder how other parents have been replying to their kids when asked that question.
O.M.G.! Of course ,cause That's what she will remember from that movie the wierd symbols on the bad men shirt! What an IDIOT!. I don't know how old she is ,but I'm sure she's under 10 yrs. And this is what Google said:Is Raiders of the Lost Ark OK for a 7 year old?In addition to the violent scenes mentioned above, Raiders of the Lost Ark contains images that might scare or upset children under eight. In particular, one scene towards the end of the movie contains horror images as well as blood and gore. Younger children might find it very disturbing and frightening. That movie is rated M ,moderate in impact. are not recommended for children under the age of 15." They include portrayals of elements such as violence and themes that require a mature outlook." That's what none JW expert have to say about that movie, but no no ,Mister know it all ,who made Youtube video about how the JW my bible story book had disturbing images(wich i agree they do) for childrends ,let his little girls watch R.O.T.L.A.! IDIOT!
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
the only pussy he’s getting that doesn’t require him to open up his wallet
LMSA , you always make me laugh...that made me think of either the James Bond villain or Austin power Doctor Evil...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
All I saw was a sad old man buying a shit tonne of expensive Scotch.
Funny story. I saw on the Ex-jw Critical thinker youtube channel.back in 2019, they had an interview with an exjw Paul, who went to couples school at the toronto bethel, and he said there was a Bethelite there who was stealing money from bethel ,to pay for prostitutes, It was not a G.B.,but i wonder now what if that men was on Lloyd channel? Would he make a big deal out of that? would he even let that part in the video? My guess he would had cut that part of. Long strory short, After bottlegate video,I send a tweet to L.E, telling him about a sister who ask David Splane who at the time was a C.O. if he could go out in service with her son who was going thru a depression. And all Splane did was ask the boy (who was 11or 13? ) if he Masturbate ,the boy said no, and Splane said: oh ok cause a lot do it cause it helps them calm down,or help them with stress ,i forgot the exact words but can always ask my husband what Splane said again... Well Lloyd did not like my tweet, he wrote me back something very rude,honestly I was a new ex-jw. and I felt so bad and stupid that I just delete my post. If I had read his stupid book, which i'm glad I never did, of course i would have never send him that tweet. Like he would even mention that in one of his videos.