I'm here for page 700!
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I'm here for page 700!
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"worst year ever " made me think of something like this...
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Vintage OOPS .your right ,I was sure it was you that made a comment about me posting a phone number of a yoga studio...So sorry , how can i make it up to you ...How about if I get you a nice Youtube Membership with some nice Governing body member emojis ...Kidding... Again my bad. I was just joking about the hissy fit comment anyway...
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LMSA thank you for doing the math...I suck so bad at that...
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This is the worst year of his life? Ever
The man who back in may ,made a big video about helping some Ukraine refugees , is now winning that 2022.was the worst year of his life ? O.M.G.
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On his Dec 7 2021 Youtube video , the end credit Patrons list had 151 name... Also I just thought of it maybe he has some P.I.M.O patrons who don't want there name on the list...? I know it says hundreds of patrons here are just a few, could those names be only big donator in the past ,and now he promise that he would also include the $10 in that list? anyway will see in 2023...
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So I did a little digging. With the Patreon level Davidsplainer $10, you get to have your name in the end credits of future video . So I download it ,it's from the Youtube Nov 17 2022...you can see it below, i did erase all the names, so some peoples ,( Vintage) doesn't have a hissy fit, and to be fair I don't know how old is that list, if he will update it only in 2023, anyway it's only 127. But the list must include also bigger donator, like the $25 and $49;99 right...Also on the no:1 there is an Emily, then Emily & Micheal, and Emily with her family name? Can the real Emily please stand up please...And last but not least , on page 3 there is the name of the Australian couple ,the one that paid for the Autralian trip ...what? Again I don't know how old is that list , and i will check it up again in 2023...
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suddenly has strep throat
That zoom call was sunday the 10... I think he tweeted about is ,cough, cough, strep throat disease...LIAR! And i bet you he was watching the game at that karaoke bar ...
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Is latest video ,is about giving more $$$ with his new youtube membership ,on top of Patreon... I made a little clip of it if you want to see it ,or you can watch the hole video on youtube https://twitter.com/joseelyne1/status/1602375261063987200
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