Last one. The thing that I always suspected was that the reason M.O'D. took so long to respond to the Thailandgate thing, was because the first thing he did when he heard the news or saw the video , was call L.E. . I could even imagine M.O'Donnell trying to reason with him,even offering to help him with , now my french brain is looking for the right word, with the livestream fiasco, haaaa hope you understand what i'm trying to say...
That must have went well...Not! I could see L.E. loosing his temper after 5 minutes not backing down and turning on Mark and even hang up the audio call? At least Mark can never be worry L. will sue him...With all the Dirt he as on Lloyd ... if he wanted to ,but would never not is style ,he could write a book about that ...Now that's a tell all book i would buy! Nope he's more the person who will keep everything in the Vault .