Over at reddit, one of JLE's patrons posted that they have withdrawn their support and why.
SHE's an ,activist , and she call herself the spirit of Jezabel? Of all the female character in the bible she pick that one?
original reddit post (removed).
Over at reddit, one of JLE's patrons posted that they have withdrawn their support and why.
SHE's an ,activist , and she call herself the spirit of Jezabel? Of all the female character in the bible she pick that one?
original reddit post (removed).
Has he ever demonstrated that he has any artistic or design skills whats
He's not an Artistic person at all! he thinks he is, but no. He's not funny, can't sing, can't draw and as minus 1 imagination what's so ever .And even if he have a tendency to be overdramatic, He would really suck as an Actor or a performer. He should ask his doctor to check the level of oestrogen or Estrogen (for the Americain) I think It's a little bit high, When he goes on his Rant , I swear he could pass for a 14 years old Girls...Like the one he was sexting with.. Oh that would a lot...
It's too bad he was a Born in JW , cause I could have seen him work..(I know "WORK."). in a Radio station as a radio host , he as the face for it, or I see him having a career in Politics , he really master the art of Deflecting any question he don't want to answer, or if he was a little bit religious , I could definitely see him either be a preacher of some religion , or even start his own cult ... Oh right...
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Last one. The thing that I always suspected was that the reason M.O'D. took so long to respond to the Thailandgate thing, was because the first thing he did when he heard the news or saw the video , was call L.E. . I could even imagine M.O'Donnell trying to reason with him,even offering to help him with , now my french brain is looking for the right word, with the livestream fiasco, haaaa hope you understand what i'm trying to say...
That must have went well...Not! I could see L.E. loosing his temper after 5 minutes not backing down and turning on Mark and even hang up the audio call? At least Mark can never be worry L. will sue him...With all the Dirt he as on Lloyd ... if he wanted to ,but would never not is style ,he could write a book about that ...Now that's a tell all book i would buy! Nope he's more the person who will keep everything in the Vault .
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The Mark ,photos , think WHY? Maybe it's because I'm a women but most of us when we brake up with a boyfriends, or get a divorce, The first thing you do , while crying and stuffing your face with ice scream is to get rid of all is photos! Cut them in little pieces, burn them, with is clothings...or his car if you have PMS... Unless it's a female thing?
Then again we all know how Vindictive he his! well with women... More with women... Ok 95% WOMEN'S Now that i think of it , he also still have all the youtube video he did with Mark and would probably still have the interview he did with Kim if she didn't had ask him to take it down..
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Sometimes his bs even surprises me!
He's very opportunistic. Looking one day at his photos on Facebook , that be the way Mark O'Donnell photos are still there? I came upon this one below, The je suis Charlie slogan was ,shorth version
supporters of freedom of speech and freedom of the press after the 7 January 2015 shooting in which twelve people were killed at the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Wikipedia
It had to do more with Journalist, Professional with real College degree who do research ,report stories, of what is going on in the world ect,... That slogan does not apply to a Glorified self proclaim savior of people recovering from a Cult, like the JW , who dare brag that he's an "expert" cause he was a born in and he was and Elder for 6 month! COME ON!
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One last one. No one on his twitter page made a comment or posted the video there. Cause i think he can't delete it , he would block or respond to someone doing that , and anybody could see that...Anyway I think that after all the negative comments he got for his post of Altwordly , my guess he will not touch Kim Youtube with a ten foot pole...He realize now if he mention her name , some will automatically bring the lawsuit which he tries to pretend it kind of never exist... Or it is stuck in the Twilight zone Croatia court system
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So to the question did L.E. saw the new video of K.S. the answer is ...Well he will Now...
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Then on his Facebook of Dec 29 a nice lady posted this . And why oh why is it always a women . I'm always shock when I see how many women still support him.
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Someone posted the Kim Silvio new Youtube video of Jake\ Lloyd on The comment section of his Facebook post of Dec 5, Dec 15, Dec 16 ,Dec 19 Dec 22. Dec 24, and Dec 27... L.E. barely goes on Facebook ...
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He always do this .do a livestream. get some $$$ donation ,than post a tweet of him at his karaoke bar...
MASSIVE fan? Sure