All these issues, make jw happy being in JW,org.
JW Don't know who L.E. Is. They don't go and read what Ex-jw are talking about, on Facebook ,Twitter ,this forum. When a JW, does find out about what we are up to. That's because They finally saw something They didn't like or agree with ,maybe a watchtower new light. They made there own mind up that Watchtower is bad. Some they just leave, others wants to go down the rabbit hole and do research on the internet and find out about us ,some of them do learn about the L.E. scandal then eventually. Some will be turn of by that ,and they won't want to be part of the ex jw community , but trust me ,None of them will ever say now that I see this( L.E. drama) I realise how Happy I was when I was a JW, I think I will go Back!