Kim, I'm sorry you had to see the rest of the post of that idiot on reddit. That's why i only made a copy of what he said about L.E. .
Her reddit name is MOIST DREAM. Do I have to say more? I thought Spirit of Jezabel was bad ...
original reddit post (removed).
Kim, I'm sorry you had to see the rest of the post of that idiot on reddit. That's why i only made a copy of what he said about L.E. .
Her reddit name is MOIST DREAM. Do I have to say more? I thought Spirit of Jezabel was bad ...
original reddit post (removed).
When i wrote he was very vindictive i forgot to write , If the U.K. elders had disfellowshipped him before he could escape to croatia .oh my land, he would have done anything to be reinstated just to get back at them! Even if he was full awake! That why he wrote a dissociated letter, NO ONE will disf. Lloyd Evans . He as the mentality of You can't fired me I quit!
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After i read that post ,the Moist-Dream one on Reddit , I went down the rabbit hole. What If ,when L.E. woke up what ever, there was no Ex-jw community on the internet ? No forum to go to , Hardly no ex-jw youtuber.? Then what? First of all , I don't think he would have writing his boring Sex frustration book., On his own ?He was broke ,full of debt , and is wife was expecting a baby, Maybe he would have his Youtube channel. But at the beginning who would watch it? I need help here , but he started first by posting on this forum, Then he started the JWwatch site , Then youtube? right? But just for fun let's say this forum don't exits ,no reddit ,maybe a little bit on facebook but who goes there anyway, I don't think he would do what Kim&Mickey did, wich is have a youtube channels and have NO patreons page, Never ask for donation or ask for $ . Lloyd Evans ? NOT Beg For Money ? Ya Right! I don't know why but I don't see him just leaving JW, start over in life and never watch or read anything from watchtower ever again, Lloyd always had to have the help of others to help him find a job or have the help of generous peoples to give things to him . Is a big Freeloader ! He's way to LAZY to get anything in life on his own and hard work,Also he's very vindictive he got in big trouble ,was going to be ask to meet the elders ,for that ,so he flee to Croatia to hide . With the help of Daddy Evans,Cause I think the In-law were totally clueless of why they move there . my guess the plan was always to go to Croatia to let the dust settle, live with the in-lawn until they get back on there feet financially , and then move back to England , be rename an elder, off course (continue to watch porn). Even if he "woke up" in Croatia, without like I said no ex- jw community, I could see him being a P.I.M.O. elder and just Go up the Watchtower ladder by sucking up on C.O, and so on. Give talks on conventions ,(while watching porn) be on one of those JW committee would it be funny if it was the No Blood one. Oh he would Love to go to Hospitals and talk with Doctors give them lecture on how he's such on expert blood transfusion! while him ,if he ever needed on would would definitively have on in private , and tell is doctor that if any member of the hospital staff leak that he would SUE the hospital.
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Saw that pos on the Reddit forum That Route 666 posted, Thank You for that. by the way. the post is long ,don't agree with all of it but ,found this part interesting...
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All these issues, make jw happy being in JW,org.
JW Don't know who L.E. Is. They don't go and read what Ex-jw are talking about, on Facebook ,Twitter ,this forum. When a JW, does find out about what we are up to. That's because They finally saw something They didn't like or agree with ,maybe a watchtower new light. They made there own mind up that Watchtower is bad. Some they just leave, others wants to go down the rabbit hole and do research on the internet and find out about us ,some of them do learn about the L.E. scandal then eventually. Some will be turn of by that ,and they won't want to be part of the ex jw community , but trust me ,None of them will ever say now that I see this( L.E. drama) I realise how Happy I was when I was a JW, I think I will go Back!
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Over at reddit, one of JLE's patrons posted that they have withdrawn their support and why.
SHE's an ,activist , and she call herself the spirit of Jezabel? Of all the female character in the bible she pick that one?
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Has he ever demonstrated that he has any artistic or design skills whats
He's not an Artistic person at all! he thinks he is, but no. He's not funny, can't sing, can't draw and as minus 1 imagination what's so ever .And even if he have a tendency to be overdramatic, He would really suck as an Actor or a performer. He should ask his doctor to check the level of oestrogen or Estrogen (for the Americain) I think It's a little bit high, When he goes on his Rant , I swear he could pass for a 14 years old Girls...Like the one he was sexting with.. Oh that would a lot...
It's too bad he was a Born in JW , cause I could have seen him work..(I know "WORK."). in a Radio station as a radio host , he as the face for it, or I see him having a career in Politics , he really master the art of Deflecting any question he don't want to answer, or if he was a little bit religious , I could definitely see him either be a preacher of some religion , or even start his own cult ... Oh right...
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Last one. The thing that I always suspected was that the reason M.O'D. took so long to respond to the Thailandgate thing, was because the first thing he did when he heard the news or saw the video , was call L.E. . I could even imagine M.O'Donnell trying to reason with him,even offering to help him with , now my french brain is looking for the right word, with the livestream fiasco, haaaa hope you understand what i'm trying to say...
That must have went well...Not! I could see L.E. loosing his temper after 5 minutes not backing down and turning on Mark and even hang up the audio call? At least Mark can never be worry L. will sue him...With all the Dirt he as on Lloyd ... if he wanted to ,but would never not is style ,he could write a book about that ...Now that's a tell all book i would buy! Nope he's more the person who will keep everything in the Vault .
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The Mark ,photos , think WHY? Maybe it's because I'm a women but most of us when we brake up with a boyfriends, or get a divorce, The first thing you do , while crying and stuffing your face with ice scream is to get rid of all is photos! Cut them in little pieces, burn them, with is clothings...or his car if you have PMS... Unless it's a female thing?
Then again we all know how Vindictive he his! well with women... More with women... Ok 95% WOMEN'S Now that i think of it , he also still have all the youtube video he did with Mark and would probably still have the interview he did with Kim if she didn't had ask him to take it down..