Lloyd is taking anti-depressant . He even tweeted about what kind he was talking, somebody must had told him he should not do this cause that tweet is deleted now. The thing about those drug is that it does lower your sex drive ,lower your libido. Then back in june he got covid. Google; The results of the present study showed that COVID-19 related restrictions were correlated with higher rates of sexual dysfunction and reduced sexual activity.
If my memory is right , didn't he complain in the livestream that he had just started to take is anti-depressant and so far he was not seeing any result? My guess the doctor must had told him about those side effects , and since the Thai GirlfriendS was already book , he probably waited to start taking those pills.after his vacation...Anyway just a thought.
One more just for fun
...Google Why do antidepressants lower your sex drive? It prevents the hormones that cause our bodies to respond to sex from transmitting their message to our brains. Wonder if that also applied to ''people'' Who's brain is already between there legs?
Maybe that's what he meant when he said 2022 was the worst year of his life...For him no more sex drive that WOULD BE the worst thing that could ever happened to him...
Another fun fact , there is an article online , on how to reduce sexual side effects on anti-depressants ...That article say EXERCISING help. with the MOJO juice.. Who got a "Gym membership" in 2022? Yoga classes...