R.I.P. Charlotte Angel . To bad you are now Blocked, I always love your Twitter post .
Maybe next time you could be a Phoenix... they do say ,Phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes of it's predecessor...
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R.I.P. Charlotte Angel . To bad you are now Blocked, I always love your Twitter post .
Maybe next time you could be a Phoenix... they do say ,Phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes of it's predecessor...
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Somebody on twitter just post this :joy:
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He needs to grow his audience and I don't think he can.
Yesterday, he did a live JW watch , on the 2 new Governing Body members,with Arthur Weber who was never a JW . So far it got only 9,3 k views ,not a lot considering the topic, and he only got $10 usd ,and $27.99 cad ,! ( In euro it only makes $ 28.34 ) in donation. It was again in the attic, so he did not go to the studio, and people were leaving comments that Lloyd connection was bad! i think with the sound .
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O.M.G ! Why did he say PayPal (most urgent) ? And number 3 , "We were dealt a huge blow last year "...
EXCUSE ME? Who used a Law firm to SUE 12 people, than 7 ? Who got separated from his wife, and decided he needed ,to make some youtube video ,in a Ramacro "studio" on top of a one bedroom attic? Who went on not one ,not 2 but 3 vacations ,trips , 2 to the U.K. ? The karaoke bars, the cleaning lady, not to mention the prostitutes, like he ever stop that habits, the gym membership, yoga class ,not to mention Tibor salary...How many Ex-jw Youtuber do you know pay to have there videos edited by a professional ?
But no,no ...This is all the fault of people whose cruelty and vindictiveness he still struggle to comprehend...
SHUT UP ! And he had the nerve to say he was operating Frugally in 2021? Where ? When he went to Houston , or Thailand ?
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From his Twitter ...There will be 3 post of this ,it was long... first one
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Did he actually write this or did somebody transcribe it from a recording?
Sorry I'm the one that Transcribe the song from the recording...Sorry for the spelling error
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This is the lyrics of that song. O.M.G. Please tell me he didn't wrote that to his Wife...And ,even in a song He is blaming Somebody else for how he behave , Shut Up!
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OOPS. the open mic show was yesterday, you can see his song zzz, on the instagram page
https://www.instagram.com/p/CnyvNCYDYSM/ or I did upload it on my twitter page https://twitter.com/joseelyne1/status/1617938629711757314
the song is call Misbehave