Wasn't she assisting her husband whilst still in the org doing business with the brothers and sisters,
Thank you Lloydevansparody For that post , It made me remember of something. Back in 2021 ,there was an earthquake in croatia, he did a livestream on that ,where he got tonne of donation , someone gave him $500 ! ( mormon jesus ) was the name ,which make me think he must have been from the U.S, so $500 in usd is a lot in croatia, anyway ,later he took all those donation and he rent a villa , it was of season since it was in January but still ...Now ,that i'm not sure ,and I lazy don't want to look for it .so I hope someone on this forum also remember this, I think later in a video he said the only damage the house of the in-law got was the chimney ? all that to say , what ever fixing the house needed , Wanna bet mister Freeloader let the "JW Brothers" take care of that ? Warning ...my blood pressure is raising , oops to late . the menopause Kraken is now out! Knowing him and HER , Oh yes HER too, that's probably what happened. Some would say ,how can you be sure of that toblerone5 ? Elementary my dear Watson cause if he was the one that would have "Paid" for that , Excuse me ,that's what the donation was for , not for him to rent a villa , he would have BRAG about that on Youtube ,twitter, facebook the local newspaper, Come On! To let know his viewers ,that thanks to there donation the ? what ever needed to be fix was, (does that makes sense? when I'm major piss my french kraken brain takes over ) but Wait there is more , part deux next post this one is to long anyway ....