This is the title he choose for the video with Tibor ?
And That's not a nice way to talk about your Boss Tibor ...
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This is the title he choose for the video with Tibor ?
And That's not a nice way to talk about your Boss Tibor ...
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Now this is more like it...As demanded by Ex-JW ...The Girlfriends Interview...
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Tibor is not filming, it must be Assistant Producer Dijana Evans behind the camera.
O.M.G. Never thought of that one ...
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Sorry .but I don't believe that both Patrons and Youtuber ask for him to interview ''Tibor'' ? Why? He was never a JW ! What next ? My "Patrons " ask me to interview the Bartender at the Karaoke bar? Come On !
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What's he going to joke about?
Everytime he was interviewed by some youtuber, he always like to tell the Boring story .when his parents told him the great tribulation was here ... That was the title Andrew Gold gave for the first interview he did with L.E. He love that story ,so I bet that's was what he joke .about . That story is not funny, what sick parents do that anyway ? Oh right , his dad , Adolph, who is probably a psycho- narcissist like his son...I had never heard of JW parents doing that to there kids . Anyone ?
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
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I would feel a lot safer in the south of France.
L.M.S.A Thank you for confirming the ''chimney'' story. I knew i didn't dream that, I'm maybe stupid but not crazy...yet.. Which bring me to this , guess who probably fix or even rebuilt that...could it be the J.W.? I would not be surprise.
Lloydevansparody I always love reading both your post ,on Twitter and on this forum... And like I said it was reading your post on page 779 that made me thing of thank you too
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Part deux . The Villa . So judging with his Youtube video. Jan.1 2021 that's where he first made the lives stream for the earthquake , the internet connection was bad ,but that's understanding , But he did that in the bunker . After the earthquake? which mean THE HOUSE WAS SAFE TO FILM IN IT. If my memory is right, I know he was winning how he was afraid of another earthquake .bla blab bla, So he took his family to another location ,But not the Villa yet. Maybe an hotel ?, he did a Youtube video also jan.1 2021 where he said he was in a ''Undisclosed location somewhere on the Croatian coast"...Seriously? what does he thinks he is ? A secret agent ,James Bond ,a spy ? So Jan 1 till the 10 he was there , then Jan 11 he was filming his first video in the Villa, again in an undisclosed location somewhere in Istria this time ... And he made Y,video there till February 26 ! Jan 24 he did a youtube Return to the bunker where he said he was going back to his house to check for crack. In the bunker only a few books in the glass bookcase fell , but that was it! the glass bookcase were not even shattered. he said there was No Crack on the ceiling, interesting he said that Tibor was the one that went back to the bunker to unplug the dehumidifier while they were in Istria,then while he was talking with the neighbor outside,he said he was glad the house had no crack . But he Rented the villa till again February 26 ! WHY? Oh right...Cause he could ,with the "generous donation"