I’d like to be surprised that Lloyd talked about masturbation ….. but I’m
If I wanted to describe in one word ,what he did all his life that's the word that would come to my mind. The main thing he did when he was a JW was to play with his genitals ,then ,the main thing he did as an ex-JW was to Brag about it... In his book , youtube, interviews. and now in a stand up routine ?
He was a poor JW who used to play with his genitals , Than he became a rich ex-JW who PAID girls to play with his genitals...
While most none JW teenager boys played with video games , he played with his genitals
when his life flashes before his eyes ,before he dies...That's what he will see...
The phrase R.I.P. on his tombstone will be for his genitals...And maybe his right hand? O.M.G. that would explain why he suck at playing guitar...Than again, is there a thing he didn't Suck at ? Please don't say it , please, please. OOPS to late , masturbation?
talking about his tombstone, this is what it should say: James Lloyd Evans , ( both date of birth and death) He lived , He masturbate , and He died... Masturbating ...
I don't know if in Croatia they have a Organ donor card , but if they do ,and he sign it...I know of one Organ who will be useless ...NO, not those organs! This time I was talking about his brain. He's such a narcissist , I would see him donating his genitals to science though... because he Loooved science, not as much as he loved his genitals , but hey...