Why did Dijana settle for Lloyd?
The question is more Why Not ? She was a single young pioneer girl , that came from a small village in Croatia, parents were poor, she obviously wanted to get married and have a family, don't think she wanted to be a JW missionary , go to bethel ,or even be an C.O wife. Anyway , then .like any JW , she was told you Must find a mate that is "Spirituel " , extra JW points, if you find a single one with JW "Titles : Pioneer, Bethelite, M.S, Elders , jackpot if he's a C.O. Now this is where our favorite subject come in the picture ...One day ,in a JW cong, far far away in the land of Croatia ,come a tall, dark and not very handsome strange man (,hey, 2 out of 3 ain't so bad. ) A single ''brother" .Freshly out of ministerial training school , pioneer , a foreigner ,with a beautiful accent , ( British accent is in my top 5 ,by the way, no.1 it's Italian or Spanish, wouff !) but I digress, one also with a big Ego, big mouth ,big nose ,personality.? hein, And he gave a public talk in her cong. the day she first meet him ,on top of it? Come on ! He was checking all the JW boxes of the cult book. We all know the rest of the story ,if you don't ,go and read LMSA.post. Oh and also ,they were not in the same cong, not even in the same country! they had ,if my memory is right a correspondence courtship ? where she said he won her over with the stories of his mom death ? something like that . Basically ,he did what he's very good at which is Lie ,Scam and bullshit her into marrying him. And they did not lived happily ever after. The End.