How he can't help shooting himself in the foot, AND the ass simultaneously!!
LMAO ! It reminded me of that Daffy Duck Cartoon I saw when I was a younger...
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How he can't help shooting himself in the foot, AND the ass simultaneously!!
LMAO ! It reminded me of that Daffy Duck Cartoon I saw when I was a younger...
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M. Frugal on vacation ?
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Thank you Lloyd Evans Parody by the way that Patron video
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sniffing coke off a hookers ass
Do you know how expensive that would be for him ? Have you ever seen his noose ?
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By the way, somebody wrote to me that ,allegedly. Mister Frugal while on a Break in Budapest stayed at the Marriott hotel which is a 5 star hotel . True or not Any Normal person who are struggling for Money, the first thing they do NOT DO , is go on Vacation for 1 or 2 week! Come on! Oh right. look who I'm talking about...
He had to open his big Pipe Hole again ,he will never learn ! Tell on a youtube video that he was on a Break
asked whether I wanted to join him and his family for a holiday on the Croatian coast, our rather precarious financial predicament left us with a dilemma. Do we play it safe and stay at home for the next few days to conserve funds, or do we throw caution to the wind by spending what little money we have on a trip to the coast for a holiday with virtual strangers? . We now had just enough money to buy some diapers for Jessica and put some fuel in the tank for the four-hour drive. We threw our things in the car, and off we went!
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his way into becoming a CO... sniffing coke off a hookers ass
Diongenesister , It that was the case, I could see Watchtower, "relocating" him to Warwick Bethel where he would be eventually be promoted to Governing Body Helper!
Like they did with ,allegedly, Theodore Jaracz...
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Something is playing on your mind?
Seriously .at this point , I really don't think , that guy , can be that Clueless or That dumb. He tweet those just to Nag and hassle the Ex-jw community that rejected him.
He said he's getting some help and he goes to a psychiatrist ? He should save his money...
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LMSA ,I don't know what I enjoyed reading the most ,Where is my Podium , or the Patrick Haeck one...
It's a tie ! them both . Thanks !
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I believe Bob removed her as a mod
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Oh, but he is doing good work was the cry!
I cry too when someone use the word WORK and Lloyd Evans in the same sentence...
And yes it is possible to cry when your super Mad...