JoinedPosts by Toblerone5
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
KIM SILVIO is on youtube Right now
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Now i will make another Observation post here ... just that...
While 99.9 % people on social media were gasping about this hole shebang, that they believe it was a real letter or they were waiting for more proof, All were making the same comments , how disgusted they all were on how Lloyd Evans was treating is wife , even people who were waiting for a confirmation would say , I don't know if that letter is real ,But if it it , he's a terrible man! ( they were to polite to say a P.O.S...Asshole would also be accepted , ect,)
But there was ONE , One person ,and look at that , he's on this forum too! that Never said one bad word about L.E. behavior , zero,nada...Instead he made many post about Our reaction ,let's see we were Guilible, I love this one...
love how anyone who doesn't blindly believe the crap that gets posted here
Then there was that arrogant post
have some magic beans to sell you.
Then on page 918 his comment suddenly shifted...his main focus was now The nice lady in Australia that I won't name ,cause she must be so sick and tired to be involve in this . I got your back Girl ...
sorry back to my topic, yes why was he now talking about ,you know who? By the way he got a big -14 for that post ...I never seen that on that forum , is that a record? Simon? never mind just a joke...
Page 919 ...another post ... mentioning her again... now i will write the rest with my middle finger , he got another -14 , and a +1 ? +1 ? Please tell me you meant to put a -1 but your middle finger push the + sign instead ...I did that a few time myself...
Anyway like I said ,just something I found odd, and wanted to share , nothing else. I will be totally honest and say ,do I thing that -14 , could be Lloyd ...
I was strongly advise by my team of Lawyers , not to answer that question right now. They did say I could say this though, at my own risk...
-14 ,that you are Lloyd or not, you can take your Magic beans and Shove It up where the sun don't shine , if your not flexible to do that , even though you did take some Yoga classes ,allegedly, you can always ask some of your Sex-worker to do it for you , won't be to hard your pants are already down anyway, Yes that will cost extra ,but who care now , you have all that subscriber $$$ now , and that's what parts of the money is for , right...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Placing the onus (pressure) on Kim
??? Oziepost , maybe it's because I'm French , I know my post are not always clear, I was thinking of what a lot of people were saying, Only Lloyd or is wife could really confirm the authenticity of the letter, then my brain went wait L.E. mention Xavier name , since His name was mention in the letter, M.Ortiz would know if That Houston story was true ,about him having to spend the night in L.E. Hotel room cause his flight was cancel...Then Notice I made sure to say this:
Don't think he would confirm that to anybody though...
Meaning , So let's NOT harassed him with that , question. He will probably , Not Answer This.then end. I 'm taken the blame on this , I should have been more clear with my post, It was just an Observation I was making ,never a Suggestion to say Hey why don't we all go and ask M.Ortiz about this ! Even worst You seem to think I was was kind of implying that Kim should do that ? O.M.G. I would never ever say something like that. Plus why is her name even mention in that drama?I'm Just making an observation here I'm NOT accusing Anybody here , and not you too Ozziepost (and I'm not mad at you neither ) For once , finally ,Lloyd doesn't make Any allusion , or mention her name , (that would be Kim) please stop including Kim Silvio in that Scandals. If this was a movie the main actors would be Lloyd +Dijana . And all the movie would be all about Lloyd Penis. M.Ortiz name would just make a small cameo in that Film Noir . And Kim Silvio Like the rest of us , would be watching this in the back row with a fake wig ,and thick glasses cause she don't want to be associated at all with this shit ! choking on her pop corn and probably living in the middle of the movie ,cause she had had enough of this !
Again the only thing I said about Kim is that I believe her when she said the letter was real , That's It. that's all ! My post was about M.Ortiz , now my brain hurt , that's from all the back and forth French\English ,how to I explain this to M.Ozzipost so he won't be offended again ... Good gravy... Take a deep breath , relax, your from Australia , you have the Ocean lot's of sun beautiful accent I'm being sincere when i say this this ... , next time the bad French chocolate lady will be more specific when she post something here ,(that's a sarcastic joke...)
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
not let Javi stay in my hotel room...
For people that don't believe Kim Silvio , which I do , I guess you could always ask M.Ortiz if that story is true. Come on pretty much just him and L.E. would know about that... Don't think he would confirm that to anybody though...anyway it was just an idea i had...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
That's Odd how some people won't believe the letter is real until they have real proof...
And yet , when L.E. say he as now 706 subscribers , those same people take that for granted and they don't need proof of that... isn't that a little bit ,oh I don't know Gullible...
where is the logic in that ?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
So now according to him There's 706 People who thing , He's the guy that will help JW to get out of Watchtower ... Just to make sure , Him? Lloyd Evans? The big bully with the Youtube channels? sure -
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
prOner, if you do buy those magic beans, don't forget to ask how much the Shipping cost from Croatia will be...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Since we can only click one time on the like or dislike button...
This is for all your latest post @Whateveryousay
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Also, pr0ner, why would I ask him?
Now my turn to explain basic logic to you. Who wrote the letter in the first place LLOYD!
let me spell it to you , L...L ...O...Y...D...
Whoever has proof they're real needs to come forward with actual evidence...
Again, that would be LLOYD EVANS . And since that is the ONLY proof you will believe .( And even then ,pretty sure Lloyd would tell you in person that yes that letter is real ,You would still find a way to argue with him and say are you sure? do you have any proof of that ?)
Go and ask HIM. I'll even help you . this is his twitter account
you can leave a voicemail to him here : :
I didn't gave you his Facebook one cause he did mention not to write to him there he won't see it...
Oh and about those magic beans, Do we have any proof you have those?