a lot more time, effort and thought needs to go into each upload
Another thing , maybe if he didn't took all his precious time in February to make that Stupid video of his Stand-up ( uploaded feb.20) when he was still recuperating from his terrible ''virus", he would have had the time to make a video about some JW crap , for his Patreon ! That's what they Really give you some $$$ for after all .
And Yes we all saw how "traumatize" you really were being an JW , when you make a lot of stupid and boring joke about it in your comedy routine. Excuse me ,but the only one that are traumatized here his all the people ,including some of us who watch that Stupid video , not to mention people who heard your Nasally singing voice , and your Booooooring song . Good thing that we could hardly hear you singing with all the people talking and laughing ,not paying any attention to you ,in that tiny club ... You should have been so mad ...hope they didn't add more stress to your " fragile mental health"...