Patreon count is at 474 as of now…
now 461 ,guess they didn't care or liked is boring Mormon videos.
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Patreon count is at 474 as of now…
now 461 ,guess they didn't care or liked is boring Mormon videos.
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One more thing if i may. M.Evans did mention in his video that even though he was out of shape he did manage to Score A Few Goals... Who thinks that the nice Mormons LET the 42,chubby, Non-Mormons, that there hoping will start studying and become one of them , Score a few goals ...And later he said he will continue to studied with them but wont be able to play soccer .football, with them anymore cause it's "Kind Of Awkward With Is Shedule" ...???HE DOESN'T HAVE A JOB AND HE HAVE A "SHEDULE" NOW? O.k.
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Long story short, when L.E. was separated and living in Zagreb ,he saw in his facebook meet up group.some Mormons were organizing some football,soccer game, so he contacted the 2 mormons missionary WOMEN, and started a study with them .So he could play soccer with them...Funny thing he only play one game with them. Wich means he really SUCK since now his 42 ,out of shape ,out of breath, and His EGO could not stand it ! Also the 2 Mormon Women were Not looking like the sexy Instagram Models he was trying to have coffee with. That's what is new 1\2 hrs video talks about. I made a 1min.30 sec. one if you want to see it by the way, In it he manage to say the women mormon add long skirt and look very FRUMPY. Excuse me? So is a Fashion Police now? And off course he did some Condescent Rant and sarcastic remarks on there teaching...
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even the slightest comment, even made in innocence he seems to think he's being attacked.
Probably if he see my last post he would not like it...It look like I'm Poking the Bear...On the other hand , to me that's how the "Bunker Bears" looks like...
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Lloyd Meets the sex-workers’ pimp.
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Mormons now? Good for you. WHO CARES! But what's up with that Title? LLOYD MEETS...Wow another proof he treats is viewers like Watchtower do, like there 5 years old . Videos I would love him to do though.Lloyd meets is Lawyers,Lloyd meets is Travel Agent, Lloyd meets is Yoga instructor,sorry give me a minute,i can't laugh an write at the same time...still L.OL. OK...nope .LMAO now...Lloyd meets is real Estate agents, Lloyd meets IS DAD, Lloyd meets is sex-workers,Lloyd meets is new lawyers the divorce one. Oops went to far sorry...
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When is his 11th anniversary?
Anniversary of what?
when he left jw? youtube videos? when he started posting on this site....the first time he started to argue and insult people on this panels?
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Im not trying to pick a fight.
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With the Family's vacation photos on twitter, and her helping videotaping the unboxing the plaque, it made me think of the movie Men In Black ,and the neuralyzer,device to erase memories. It looks like for is Patrons sake,They both are trying to show everything is back to normal, his back home, there a happy family again, and he made sure to make a video to show the MOLD will be the reason why he will eventually have a new location to film his youtube videos.I bet he will never mention the "S" word again...(separation) Maybe that would explain the increase of the patrons number this month? Riiight, I give him 2 month, and he will be back to his old self...sneaking out of the house to look for "warehouse" to rent...with BAMBI the 20 years old (who is more 16 going on seventeen...) "real estate agent"...