why does he always have to brag about , I went to MS shcool, I was an Elders...So what! GET OVER IT! He took a stupid 2 week course at bethel.( where he played with is genitals in the shower) boo.hoo! And he was an elder for 1 year! Where he did what exactly? give a talk in a convention? was in charge of the Watchtower study crap thingy?was ask to be in a judicial committee? NOPE. he was grooming, Sexting..,sorry, helping young GIRLS...I mean young ones in the cong. with who knows what...in his car and nose,behind his wife back...Most real EX-JW would say they wasted there time doing that stuff,but no no not him...EX-JW my tokhes...go ahead do your stupid youtube video and don't
forget to show your MS diploma ...funny how he never brag about being a pioneer...not prestigious enough I guess...And he really SUCK at it too...What I am saying...He SUCK at everything in ever did in his life so far...