I don’t understand the question
Hi kim.I was talking about his father. That course is for Ministerial servant, so how can an Elder (lloyd dad) take that course? Elders have there own shcool ,class what ever crap if i remember right , at bethel for 2 weeks ,every 2 -3 years? But then again were talking about Watchtower here , all there rules. teaching, makes no sense. And pretty sure being an elders son helps a lot for being invited to attend that shcool...It also help them Not to be publicly reproof, disfellowship, have there son BLUE ENVELOPE hidden by JW bethel branch office...allegedly... escape,sorry ''MOVE '' far far away in a small village in the middle of nowhere . where everybody speaks a different language, and they have no clue that an Elder son is making apostate video on youtube in the basement and visit prostitutes on a regular basic...I went to far again didn't I...have a nice day?