If I may ,I would like to get this off my chest, cause I Can't anymore. Peolple who say: ,But is video help so much the ex-jw community... Of course they did. You know why? Cause HE made sure OF THAT! He had 10 years of doing just that! Bullying ,Threatening .manipulatiing , to be THE number one EX-JW youtube channel to be the TO GO TO Y.C. All that with the support of is Patrons who Finance all the equipement, and him and his family income ,the toys the HAIRCUTS ect,,,How many ex-jw activist that makes youtube video can say they had that same LUXURY ? HELLO? Take the video he made about Beth Sarim. How many ex-jw can Brag about making a video of that house ,cause somebody Paid and flew them ( him and is wife ) to California so they could film themself in a Rental car, driving down the street and past right in front of THE actual house! Really? COME ON! Sorry the kraken is now out, Anybody in those circumstance could have done a video like that , Some even would have taking THERE BIG FAT ASS out of the Dam car to take a proper shot of that Dam house, or even better knock on the Dam door and ask the owner if they could visit the house ,explainIing why bla bla bla you all know what I mean ...Again COME ON! And now, It's been 8 month of scandals, lawsuits , hissy fit rant ,like this post , and peoples are still saying His videos are really "HELPING"? Did you know that during World War 2, the country who had the stongest economy in Europe was Germany...See where I'm going...Can you imagine somebody saying BUT HITLER REIGN HELP SO MUCH GERMANY ECONOMY! I'm not comparing Lloyd Evans to Adolph here, even though I did call him a Dicktator on twitter, but that's another story, That will be all. Kraken "has left the building." Thank you very much! no? Elvis? Google it