O'Donnell is a strange character.
Love your post LloydEvansParody. what was strange also is that L.E, video was made january 31, and Mark O.D took 12 days to make a statement? Like "Robin" didn't know what Batman( Evans) was doing all a long in the Batcave...And Batman must had told him about the wife finding about Houston his plan to take a trip to Thailand ,and it seems he was o.k with that. Maybe just IMO . I'm just glad Kim had the guts to tell us all about the real L.E. cause "Robin" would have never dare to do it. I saw he was trying to be the sidekick of another youtuber ,like cappytan back in jul 16. but that video only had 398 views. Cappytan video : Lloyd I apologize video.had 2,552 views, which prove that without L.E. his not that special, and i'm sorry but he's so boring! when he would talk about court case it would go on and on ...Get To The Point! We don't have all day! Plus we don't need to know All the "Details" of the poor Victims ,even worst many time he would say to Lloyd: oh and there is more things i can't even share with you on Youtube...and robin took Notes and Notes of those disturbing things... Why?