All I saw was a sad old man buying a shit tonne of expensive Scotch.
Funny story. I saw on the Ex-jw Critical thinker youtube channel.back in 2019, they had an interview with an exjw Paul, who went to couples school at the toronto bethel, and he said there was a Bethelite there who was stealing money from bethel ,to pay for prostitutes, It was not a G.B.,but i wonder now what if that men was on Lloyd channel? Would he make a big deal out of that? would he even let that part in the video? My guess he would had cut that part of. Long strory short, After bottlegate video,I send a tweet to L.E, telling him about a sister who ask David Splane who at the time was a C.O. if he could go out in service with her son who was going thru a depression. And all Splane did was ask the boy (who was 11or 13? ) if he Masturbate ,the boy said no, and Splane said: oh ok cause a lot do it cause it helps them calm down,or help them with stress ,i forgot the exact words but can always ask my husband what Splane said again... Well Lloyd did not like my tweet, he wrote me back something very rude,honestly I was a new ex-jw. and I felt so bad and stupid that I just delete my post. If I had read his stupid book, which i'm glad I never did, of course i would have never send him that tweet. Like he would even mention that in one of his videos.