I can't help but wonder how other parents have been replying to their kids when asked that question.
O.M.G.! Of course ,cause That's what she will remember from that movie the wierd symbols on the bad men shirt! What an IDIOT!. I don't know how old she is ,but I'm sure she's under 10 yrs. And this is what Google said:Is Raiders of the Lost Ark OK for a 7 year old?In addition to the violent scenes mentioned above, Raiders of the Lost Ark contains images that might scare or upset children under eight. In particular, one scene towards the end of the movie contains horror images as well as blood and gore. Younger children might find it very disturbing and frightening. That movie is rated M ,moderate in impact. are not recommended for children under the age of 15." They include portrayals of elements such as violence and themes that require a mature outlook." That's what none JW expert have to say about that movie, but no no ,Mister know it all ,who made Youtube video about how the JW my bible story book had disturbing images(wich i agree they do) for childrends ,let his little girls watch R.O.T.L.A.! IDIOT!