Vintage OOPS .your right ,I was sure it was you that made a comment about me posting a phone number of a yoga studio...So sorry , how can i make it up to you ...How about if I get you a nice Youtube Membership with some nice Governing body member emojis ...Kidding... Again my bad. I was just joking about the hissy fit comment anyway...
JoinedPosts by Toblerone5
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
LMSA thank you for doing the math...I suck so bad at that...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
This is the worst year of his life? Ever
The man who back in may ,made a big video about helping some Ukraine refugees , is now winning that 2022.was the worst year of his life ? O.M.G.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
On his Dec 7 2021 Youtube video , the end credit Patrons list had 151 name... Also I just thought of it maybe he has some P.I.M.O patrons who don't want there name on the list...? I know it says hundreds of patrons here are just a few, could those names be only big donator in the past ,and now he promise that he would also include the $10 in that list? anyway will see in 2023...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
So I did a little digging. With the Patreon level Davidsplainer $10, you get to have your name in the end credits of future video . So I download it ,it's from the Youtube Nov 17 can see it below, i did erase all the names, so some peoples ,( Vintage) doesn't have a hissy fit, and to be fair I don't know how old is that list, if he will update it only in 2023, anyway it's only 127. But the list must include also bigger donator, like the $25 and $49;99 right...Also on the no:1 there is an Emily, then Emily & Micheal, and Emily with her family name? Can the real Emily please stand up please...And last but not least , on page 3 there is the name of the Australian couple ,the one that paid for the Autralian trip ...what? Again I don't know how old is that list , and i will check it up again in 2023...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
suddenly has strep throat
That zoom call was sunday the 10... I think he tweeted about is ,cough, cough, strep throat disease...LIAR! And i bet you he was watching the game at that karaoke bar ...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Is latest video ,is about giving more $$$ with his new youtube membership ,on top of Patreon... I made a little clip of it if you want to see it ,or you can watch the hole video on youtube
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Lying to your kids about Christmas =Bad... Making a Youtube video with your kid about Unicorn ,and selling merch. with :Let your Kids Believe in Unicorn = Good.... Got it....
Humping Christmas tree= Good ... Humping Unicorn= Very painful
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Fun fact about the IMDb is that you can created an account FOR FREE. then you can write reviews ,the requirement characters : 600... The bad thing is that the administration have to approve it before the public can see it... You can also rate it with stars 1\10... And if that is not enough you can send to the contact licensing Department a nice complain about some of there member who is falsely promoting a Imaginery interview video that does not exist anywhere anymore... If little French women with bad spelling can do all that ANYBODY can do that too. just saying... cause he did that to Insult an Humiliate Kim Silvio again...NOT ON MY WATCH...HELL NO! A SUIVRE...