from his Patreons page .For January 15, 3 zoom call...? and then for February he will upload some videos ,that they have to choose? Wow! He wrote "LIS " cause is to busy to add the letter T ...
JoinedPosts by Toblerone5
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
earned more money off the back of Ray Franz, ironically.
About that, I always wonder how many "Copy and Paste" from Ray Franz book did he steal ,for his book? And why do I think it must be like 95%...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
From his Facebook... Bless is Heart that he want to help that nice Girl. I mean Women ...Wonder if he will tell Antonija that even though is MARIED to a croatian women and as 2 daugthers He still have a hard time learning Croatia cause Most of those 13 years were spend in his In-law Basement Bitching on the internet in english about is former religion and ex-member of that cult. Also all the prostitutes he like to visit 2\3 time a week all speak English...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I'm trying to '' Collecting the dot'' and it doesn't add up. with the Thailand story. According to him( and we all know is a big LIAR) November 2021 , goes to texas...wife found Photos...he ? ask for open mariage , when she refuse he said in the livestream he fuck up and got on a plane. Then he said he went to thailand cause it was cheaper? Then on the Andrew Gold interview he said he wanted to experience the Asian culture? something like that. Also in livestream he said that because of the covid restriction it took a while to book the trip to Thailand and he needed the help of kim...of course there is the Scuba diving ''reason". And now New Light. we now now he must have had to go on some thailand dating site to book a GirlfriendS.
Sorry that make No SENSE,. He came back from texas in Dec. so lets say the wife found photos first week of Dec. they fight bla bla bla, I will be generous i will give them 5 days for all that. He left right after Xmas cause he celebrated New-year eve in a bar in Thailand, So he was able to plan all this only in 3 weeks? Some will say HE Doesn't Work! Also he said he was Super depress he needed a Mental Break. ? So He was able to plan a big Trip like that ,and not just for 1 week or 2 , 2 Months! On a "MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS" ?
So nosy introvert here , went on Google, Number One : What are the cheapest asian contry to visit. Vietnam,Indonisia,Malasia ,Philipines and of course Thailand... he choose Vietnam? WHY?
Number two, ( number 2 is also what comes to my mind when I think of this hole story) Between Vietnam or Thailand which one is CHEAPER : A week in Vietnam can cost you about $357 (per person), while a week in Thailand may cost you around $654. ..But he still choose Thailand? WHY?
Ha yes i forgot the "Scuba Diving" an the Beach...Number 3 : Which is the best Asian country for scuba diving?The Indonesian Republic is regularly voted as the best place in the world to scuba dive. The country consists of more than 13,000 islands, each having its own distinct identity both above and below the water.
Number 4 , will be of course ,drum roll here please : Which is cheaper? Thailand or Indonesia? A week in Indonesia can cost you about $330 (per person), while a week in Thailand may cost you around $654. These differences become even more noticable if you plan to spend a longer time in the country. 10 days, two weeks, or even one month of travel to Indonesia or Thailand can really add to your travel budget. Wow Thank you Budget your trip web site ! Too bad the Croatia Internet don't have access to this Information thought DUH!
So my number 5 will be ,with everything we now know WHY THAILAND? my guess that was always a big fantasy of him to go there and his word Fuck up. And there is no way in hell he plan that at the last minute. Bull number 2! The time line don't add up. My guess that open Mariage talk was before Texas, and the thailand trip was also made before Texas. He was going to use the mental health cards for that trip , but then when the cat got out of the back, he change is story and want us to believe that in a rush he decided to jump on a plane last minute to why not thailand? and this is all to punish is wife for a fight about some photos ? and some open mariage none sense ?LIAR! Not Buying This.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Austin (No more ) ...POWER... ?
Is this too mean?...Yeah Baby?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Lloyd in 2022 : LOST : Kim ,Producer Bob, Mark O'Donnell and Xavier, and Money, Patrons ,Youtube subscriber, the film projects , and Money ...His libido ,Sex drive .some weight and Money... His wife , his home , hisBunker...And Money...Andrew gold ,that mormon lady (who deleted the youtube interview with him) and
Did I mention His Sex Drive? OOPS yes i did... And MONEY.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Lloyd is taking anti-depressant . He even tweeted about what kind he was talking, somebody must had told him he should not do this cause that tweet is deleted now. The thing about those drug is that it does lower your sex drive ,lower your libido. Then back in june he got covid. Google; The results of the present study showed that COVID-19 related restrictions were correlated with higher rates of sexual dysfunction and reduced sexual activity.
If my memory is right , didn't he complain in the livestream that he had just started to take is anti-depressant and so far he was not seeing any result? My guess the doctor must had told him about those side effects , and since the Thai GirlfriendS was already book , he probably waited to start taking those pills.after his vacation...Anyway just a thought.
One more just for fun
...Google Why do antidepressants lower your sex drive? It prevents the hormones that cause our bodies to respond to sex from transmitting their message to our brains. Wonder if that also applied to ''people'' Who's brain is already between there legs?
Maybe that's what he meant when he said 2022 was the worst year of his life...For him no more sex drive that WOULD BE the worst thing that could ever happened to him...
Another fun fact , there is an article online , on how to reduce sexual side effects on anti-depressants ...That article say EXERCISING help. with the MOJO juice.. Who got a "Gym membership" in 2022? Yoga classes...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
The thumbnails were made by Lloyd.
Thank you for the info. Kim. Which prove he could have done his Book cover ,and would have save a lot of $$$.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Just curious here, That would be maybe something Kim would know, When he release a youtube video , Is it him that does the Intro photos ,the photo that will advertise the video? I wonder if it was maybe Producer Bob and Tibor that do them...It does take time to do those, and I don't see him ,doing them. He's such a busy man... A lot of them are also ...Not very flattering...or stupid...La Preuve...
P.S: please ,oh please tell me that ,this is the photo he use for some Dating site...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Just notice this .I can't believe he was able to Weasel is way to have Hemant Mehta ? foreword his book ? then i saw back in 2017 L.E. did do a youtube about this (october 17) Wonder what mr H.M, would say now .He must have heard by now of the 2022 scandals... Wonder how much of his Indiegogo $ went to have this man do this.