It’s nearly the anniversary of “Lloydgate” 31 January….what’s everyone doing?
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It’s nearly the anniversary of “Lloydgate” 31 January….what’s everyone doing?
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With those number ,I wonder why he made that Big Deal on Twitter about "Struggling"...Could it be he didn't want to have another drop in Patrons numbers in February? So he Guilt Trip Them , with a sad story so they would think twice before cancelling there subs. ? What an ASS...
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The $40,183 is in USD ,
Even worst on the top page ,to your right, under Category he wrote : Nonprofits & Activism...
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Hope New Enlightened don't mind , I redid the graph that Lloyd Evans Parody tweeted ... Yes Thank you L.E.P.
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Saw those comments on his twitter page . So far he didn't respond to them. Either he didn't see them, yet, or since he BEG for $$$ he will play it low and not show is true self...
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Has he still got the studio?
We will know this when he makes a video on the February Broadcasting... The studio tour Youtube video was made Oct,5 2022 . He must have sign a lease for 1 year ? My guess that video he posted today was pre- recorded earlier... Another thing I was thinking , I wonder when he let go of Tibor ,if he will still have the nerve to sell is Merch with Tibor name on it...Like this T-Shirt ? Saw this on his Youtube channel .but it is not available to purchase it on his merch site... Tibornacle ? seriously ? Who came up with that Stupid play on word...Right Lloyd of course... I would have go with THAI-bernacle but hey... it's just me
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Every time he block someone on Twitter , I think of this...
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R.I.P. Charlotte Angel . To bad you are now Blocked, I always love your Twitter post .
Maybe next time you could be a Phoenix... they do say ,Phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes of it's predecessor...
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Somebody on twitter just post this :joy:
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He needs to grow his audience and I don't think he can.
Yesterday, he did a live JW watch , on the 2 new Governing Body members,with Arthur Weber who was never a JW . So far it got only 9,3 k views ,not a lot considering the topic, and he only got $10 usd ,and $27.99 cad ,! ( In euro it only makes $ 28.34 ) in donation. It was again in the attic, so he did not go to the studio, and people were leaving comments that Lloyd connection was bad! i think with the sound .