Evans has dealt with issues by bullying people and trying to force them to back down.
And Tibor seems to be o.k. with that... That's why I call him Mini Llyod now...
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Evans has dealt with issues by bullying people and trying to force them to back down.
And Tibor seems to be o.k. with that... That's why I call him Mini Llyod now...
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Question...why the hole time, Tibor was talking about "The Forum" ,Lloyd never told him ,Yeah I know which forum you are talking about , I used to be a member of that forum 9 years ago. I used to post a lot on that forum, until I WAS BAN from it... Does Tibor even know that ? Come on he can't be that naive ... Or is he? On page 134 Tibor said :
Hi everyone! Tibor, Lloyd's video editor here. Just wanted to clear things up because I find it sad how far people go in making things up. Also, it was me who found this forum topic and linked it to Lloyd,...
YOU found this forum? 10 months ago ,o.k you maybe "found " this forum , but come on, by now "you" should know Lloyd connection to "the forum ! " By reading LMSA post of Tibor video , is it just me , but it looks like Doctor Evil never told mini me Tibor of it ?
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I just thought of what would L.E. would say to me if he was still allowed on this forum...About my last post...
How dare you ,Toblerone5, comparing me to an evil cult that promotes SHUNNING ! I Demand an apology ! My wife Demand an Apology ...
Then I could have said ...Oh I think Your wife Wishes you would have SHUN a few prostitutes in your life! In Zagreb, in Houston, the U.K. , in Thailand ...
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so he’s sending Tibor out this month to do his dirty work.
Not the first time he ever did that .The best example of this would be the "Green Screen-gate" . Looking back on that I think I can do some connecting the dots. So 10 months ago, April 2022, we were talking about him maybe using a green screen , cause if he was not doing his videos in the bunker anymore , maybe it was because his wife finally kick him out? Now what is interesting here , we were all wrong with the green screen theory ,but not about him not living with his wife though. But that, Lloyd didn't want nobody to know about that. My guess he must have been really panicking when he saw we were not too far from the truth. So what does he do ? Since he his Ban from this forum he makes Tibor ( this is my opinion , i could be wrong here ) come on this forum ,(page 134 is the first time you can read Tibor post) Could it be that it was Lloyd who told Tibor , now the BAD Ex-JW community, are saying bad thing about your work Tibor , that your using G.S, how is that going to look on your resume bla bla bla...And it work. Doctor big mouth Evil was able to convince Tibor to come here , again all that is on page 134, and take the attention away from Lloyd secret about him and his wife being separated,. Fun fact , April 14 2022 , was the Andrew Gold interview ,the I'm not sorry video, and although you can see Lloyd in the Bunker , he was separated from his wife and was living in Zageb but he never said THAT in the interview. Actually we all learn about that in June 2022 ,on a post Lloyd left on Kim Silvio youtube video ,the one when someone caught him on a speed dating site in the U.k. That's when he finally said this:
Apparently even my efforts to get involved in the dating scene as a newly separated man (since the end March, if you must know...)
And now ,there is that interview he just made with Tibor yesterday. where Tibor said: how we are basic lowlifes that make stuff up. ? Wanna bet , Doctor big mouth Evil , must have bitch to Tibor, that it was all our fault If he lost half of his Patrons, and that is bad for you Tibor cause it's with my Patrons $$$ that me and Dijana are able to pay your salary. So if ever we can't afford you anymore Tibor ,and you lose your Job, It will be all because of them !
I hope that someday M.Tibor wakes up from all that B.S. and get's away from that Toxic Narcissist! And everybody say Watchtower Koolaid is bad... Lloyd Evans one is Worst ! At least when W.atchtower beg for $$$ , It's not to "DATE'' Thailand Prostitutes ! Now just with those last words , I should get a nice -1
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This is the title he choose for the video with Tibor ?
And That's not a nice way to talk about your Boss Tibor ...
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Now this is more like it...As demanded by Ex-JW ...The Girlfriends Interview...
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Tibor is not filming, it must be Assistant Producer Dijana Evans behind the camera.
O.M.G. Never thought of that one ...
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Sorry .but I don't believe that both Patrons and Youtuber ask for him to interview ''Tibor'' ? Why? He was never a JW ! What next ? My "Patrons " ask me to interview the Bartender at the Karaoke bar? Come On !
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What's he going to joke about?
Everytime he was interviewed by some youtuber, he always like to tell the Boring story .when his parents told him the great tribulation was here ... That was the title Andrew Gold gave for the first interview he did with L.E. He love that story ,so I bet that's was what he joke .about . That story is not funny, what sick parents do that anyway ? Oh right , his dad , Adolph, who is probably a psycho- narcissist like his son...I had never heard of JW parents doing that to there kids . Anyone ?