He's already done a video on growing tomatoes a few years back.
Did you see the one he made with his chickens?
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He's already done a video on growing tomatoes a few years back.
Did you see the one he made with his chickens?
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Also ,That's what his Patrons are paying him now for? What ever happened to the I went back to the kingdom hall video? not to mention , the oh, I don't know , the rebuttal JW broadcast of feb ? Why not do some growing tomatoes and raising chicken's video next ? Guitar lesson 001? Tips how to dye your hair , tweety bird blonde , with the help of my new colorist TIBOR ? The one think he's an expert is how to scam people and Beg for money ! Forget doing a video on that , he could do a hole trilogies just on those subject alone ! But hey ,I should not complain cause for once , I really want to see that video...then make fun of it ... Like I made fun of the video he made about Tony morris...In his video he played the clip of tony blowing the match ,you know the one, and then wow he did the same thing ...So I joke about with all the chemical he have on his hair ,he should not be playing with matches because...
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By the way , the man does 5 stand up comedy, That were like 5 minute ? max ? No way he did half an hour or 1 hours of that ! And now his going to do a video about this ,like is an expert all of the sudden? It's like when he keep saying :I Was An Elder... Shut up! He was one barely one year!
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Is this his real nose or a prop?
Lloyd have a hawk nose, and according to https://slamxhype.com/your-personality-based-on-nose-shape/
Just like the Falcons, from whose beaks the name is derived, you are very observant. You are quite wary of your actions. Your cautious character may make it difficult for you to get along with people, but hey, it’s always better to be on the safer side.
Cyrano de Bleach-gerac
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YES! said the women with the Evil Laugh...
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on the internet today, ..The main "sight" today was Tony Morris
I never thought I would say this , and listen very carefully I shall say ZIS only once...(from the BBC allo allo? non?) anyway , I'm kind of glad that Macallan Tony is no longer "Serving" as a G.B. now in 2023 instead of 2019 ,when he was caught in a liquor store.Can you imagine all the $$$ Malibu Bleach Ken Dull, I mean Doll, would have made if Morris was, come on Remove, right after being caught at bottle king? Oh My Land ! Instead of his 10 minute snooze youtube video he would have made a big one hours JW Watch with Mark O'Donnell , Arthur , he would have made sure to have at least one or two ex- bethelite there too, follow by more update videos, wow just with that story alone he could have taken not 2 but 4 vacation ! Not to mention all the prostitutes ,sex-workers, action figures ,Haircuts for both kids and wife too! But now , the albinos has been activist had to learn that news ,like everybody else, he will NOT get any inside scoop from P.i.m.o JW, for that story! Who knew that a G.B. member and hello? not just any G.B. but Tony Morris , come on ! would steal the spotlight this week, on social media, from the Platinum botched midlife crisis apostate! At this point ,even if he could get a tattoo ,piercing , get Tibor to film him running naked down Vlaska street then put that on Youtube, people would still talk about T.M ! We all would laugh and puke than laugh again at that video, make jokes, meme, gif .But again, Tony Morris would Still be the Number one ''sight'' on social media, and he would only be Number poo .I mean Two...
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So he will do a JW bulletin on A.Morris . It will be all speculation , cause no bethelite P.i.m.o will ever send him some private scoop, ever anymore. GOOD!
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Anthony Morris kicked out Lloyd has the perfect distraction from himself
It's look like A.Morris was not the only one that was kicked out... From the Youtube video credit at the end of the Feb 1 , a conversation with Mike Rinder ...to the one he did yesterday about his appearance . Guess he could not afford an assistant producer anymore...
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Can't wait for his "jazz phase" when he wears an open shirt, long chains and sports a fedora.
Or this ?
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So Tibor is checking this forum now? Nađi si život