THIS TIME WE ARE NOT LETTING IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ForeverAlone...wait I'm laughing ,i can't write...Your...nope have to laugh some more... still laughing, crying of,laughter now.... Post...
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THIS TIME WE ARE NOT LETTING IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ForeverAlone...wait I'm laughing ,i can't write...Your...nope have to laugh some more... still laughing, crying of,laughter now.... Post...
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A Pee-nicillin 😂.
Lloyd Evans Parody ,LMAO!
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Why did Dijana settle for Lloyd?
The question is more Why Not ? She was a single young pioneer girl , that came from a small village in Croatia, parents were poor, she obviously wanted to get married and have a family, don't think she wanted to be a JW missionary , go to bethel ,or even be an C.O wife. Anyway , then .like any JW , she was told you Must find a mate that is "Spirituel " , extra JW points, if you find a single one with JW "Titles : Pioneer, Bethelite, M.S, Elders , jackpot if he's a C.O. Now this is where our favorite subject come in the picture ...One day ,in a JW cong, far far away in the land of Croatia ,come a tall, dark and not very handsome strange man (,hey, 2 out of 3 ain't so bad. ) A single ''brother" .Freshly out of ministerial training school , pioneer , a foreigner ,with a beautiful accent , ( British accent is in my top 5 ,by the way, no.1 it's Italian or Spanish, wouff !) but I digress, one also with a big Ego, big mouth ,big nose ,personality.? hein, And he gave a public talk in her cong. the day she first meet him ,on top of it? Come on ! He was checking all the JW boxes of the cult book. We all know the rest of the story ,if you don't ,go and read Oh and also ,they were not in the same cong, not even in the same country! they had ,if my memory is right a correspondence courtship ? where she said he won her over with the stories of his mom death ? something like that . Basically ,he did what he's very good at which is Lie ,Scam and bullshit her into marrying him. And they did not lived happily ever after. The End.
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stalking his wife on Facebook
I happened to follow her on Facebook , since 2017 ! her Facebook account is PUBLIC ,not Private , and you are accusing me of something you just accused all of us on this forum which is
you only pick parts of my post
Excuse me but , I'm not the one who had to search the internet to find his wife Facebook account ! who's stalking who now ?
From now on please cancel my subscription to your issues...
Now my Canadian side tells me I should be polite , civil and courteous ..,but my French roots told me to say so this ...
if I offended you...
1: I'm really sorry 2: I will tone it down 3: 1 & 2 are Lies 4: next time ,don't underestimate me...that'll be fun...
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hope you agree with me if I say she managed to find a better hairdresser than Lloyd's.
Yes i totally agree, she looks great ,love the hair ,the make up even the tattoos. She gives me a rock vibe. Now as for him , the problem that hairstyle he have needs some good hair products, like some gel, pomade, wax . The hair is suppose to be platinum blonde ,not penicillin blonde ...(cause penicillin is made with horse pee ) on recent photo you can see his beard who is starting to grow , the beard is dark brown and with the botched hair color it looks weird. And wait till the dark roots start to show. He's to lazy to keep this look , to much work and we all know how much he hate the 'W' word... He will look like a reverse skunk.
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Thanks Las Malvinas son Argentinas for the info...
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The BEGGING never stop ... And who's the WE'RE ? And OUR TEAM ? What ? Who ? TIBOR ? Oh Come On! ''We're here '' need to make some MONEY with your story , cause ''we're here'' needs to go on vacation soon, we're here needs to afford the single lifestyle now...
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One more thing about her, she got 3 tattoos, we can only see one on the photo , the I google it...
The feather often represents strength and growth, as well as hope and freedom.
I'm curious to what the other 2 are. The fact she got them on her arm , where everybody can see them ,tells me she's not the shy ,withdrawn , again VICTIM person some may thing she is...Also
The majority of girls view tattoos as a method of proving something important to others and themselves A way to remind themselves that they are strong and fearless human beings.
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I was wondering did He ever said what he wrote in his dissociated letter ? What was the reason he give? I wonder if , one of those reason he gave .was what he said in his stand up routine. The not allowed to wank ...
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From her Facebook page, were so far ,she got 84 compliment how great she looks, and she does . My reason why I'm posting this ,because for once and for all , I want some people to see she's NOT A VICTIM , THAT POOR POOR HER SHE NEEDS TO BE SAVE , .. She took the TRASH OUT , she looks great, she clearly moved on , and she's not that innocent either. Someone was wondering if she would maybe go back to the CULT...Not with those tattoos she won't !