DerekMoors your post made me laugh SO much, it deserve to be on page 832 too!
Someone go tell that fat slab of bacon grease that it's not up to him to tell anyone else how to run their business, charity, podcast, organization, or life. "It would be best..." Fuck you, you fat slithering troll. You don't get to decide that or tell anyone else that. No one answers to you, no one needs to explain anything to you, no one even needs to acknowledge your latest tantrum and especially if you can't be bothered to read their flyer properly. What happened, your dollar store hair dye sting your eyes so you couldn't focus?
Also, someone explain to F2F (but in a much nicer way) that they should be telling him that same thing, firmly and directly. They don't answer to him, don't need to justify their stance to him, don't owe him an explanation, and shouldn't give a fuck if he "accepts" anything from them. Let him scream into the void, engaging him only feeds the monster. Seriously, stop coddling this fat trash man baby with a response; he wants an argument, he lives for the adrenaline rush.
And if someone must respond to his Royal Fatness, point out that he's in no position to talk about anyone's human rights with this bullshit "lab specimen" argument. You think women forced into sex work whom you victimize every day don't feel like specimens and that their entire life must have "less value"? Fucking fat hypocrite.