WHY? Come On! Why would a Dutch tv station who is covering the Hamburg shooting ,interviewed an ex-JW ,from Croatia ,give is opinion ,like he's a big expert on what had just happened in hello GERMANY ?And How come that tv news station knew about him to begin with? Who was the idiot that give them his name and phone number and said why don't you interview this guy He will be able to talk to you about JW STUFF? And at the time of that interview Nobody knew why that man did that ! It maybe had nothing to do with shunning. On his twitter page you can see some part of the interview, it's all in Dutch but L.E. talk in english . Again WHY? Oh and Mister know it all talks about how some country could do thing such as have some tax break that would make the org think twice ? What the hell does that have to do with kingdom hall shooting ? Hug?
on another quick video .before that, he said he Was ON A BREAK RIGHT NOW, so he just made a briefly video about the shooting and said he would make a JWwatch video on that when he's back from vacation ... Why bother? By that time ,there will be at least 5 or 6 ex-JW youtuber who will have made videos about that subject already .Can someone remind me why his Patrons are paying him for ?