wonder if Geoffrey or any of the others involved in LE's backstory would now be inclined to share
O.M.G! I suddenly have a big AHA Moment. any of the OTHERS be inclined to share ? And then i remember this from LMSA...
She got a similar vibe from O’Donnell.
Yes, Mark O'Donnell . WHY? Major Rabbit hole moment now. So o.k .back in Feb 2022, he did post a statement on twitter, where he did wrote some big research on the sex trafficking on Thailand yadi yadi yada. That was it ! The End . But seriously it was kind of vague ,without telling us how he really felt on the hole situation , He never said nothing about Lloyd confession video ! Come On ! like he didn't watch it ...Then we started to see him on Ex-JW Youtube channel ,like the critical thinker. He would talk about Watchtower lawsuit , funny how he loves to talk about those lawsuits but Not The One with the Ex-JW community one...with 12 people the 7...And then 5 days ago , march 22.he was on ALtWorldly Youtube ... Wait what ? The jake guy that not to long ago Lloyd had a big twitter rant about? The jake guy that Lloyd did sue at first too? WOW!
We are now in 2023 , Since he likes to go on Youtube channels so much , WHY is M.O'D. not sharing what he knows about Lloyd Evans in an interview ? Or how he felt when he learn the news about Thailand . Let's not forget him and his wife were on a Docum T.V. show , where they both share some of there Private life stories.( This is for anyone who will say ,But Mark is a very private person he maybe don't want to talk about the time he spend with Lloyd .BULL ! ) And don't any of you give me the well maybe Mark is afraid of being Sue by Lloyd look what he did when Kim came forward ...SHUT UP! Fine if he "Was" in the beginning afraid of that ,or L.E. did treated him...By now he knows Lloyd can't do Nothing to him . The flying Monkeys ,pretty much have all left the Patreons ship , so WHY not now...Like I'm the only one on this forum that would love to see him tell that story . And How Come he let Lloyd bullied and harassed people ,like Jennifer , an not say a F**k word to Bleach Adolph about it! Again WHY !
Now I don't see Lady C and JT, wanted to do that on there channel, but Jake at ALtWorldly ? Oh Hell YES!
I know M.O'Donnell is on this forum ,everytime I see a -1. I always say Bonjour Mark...So he knows about all the Lawsuits, the patrons begging for $$$ LIES . now it's a well known fact that his company was not struggling financially . Aye , maybe he knows what went on in HOUSTON ! All that to say , Forget Geoffrey , the one who should be really Inclined to share now should be ...
Mark O'Donnell ... On Youtube ...with a Microphone