He's angry! I repeat, he is very angry!
This is interesting , cause I thought what can he do about that now? Throw a tantrum , on Youtube , justifying his action ,play the victim blaming game ? Been there , done that , and half of his Patrons are over it . The I will SUE you threat was a total fiasco, that backfire big time ,and was very costly ,for him and at this point who could he Sue ? Don't think he would play the BEGGING card , . It may have work the first time but , Would he be that stupid to pull that trick again so soon ? No he wouldn't... would he ? ya right .look who I'm talking about... No I don't think he will target what is left of his Patrons... He could have an hissy fit on twitter ,but the last time ,he did that ,(when he attack alt worldly ) that too backfired on him .. Pretty sure ,he knows by now that if he post anything on twitter , it will be on this thread before he can say Star Trek...And we will make so many comments about that , comments he CAN'T respond to. And .the good old days where he could send his Flying Monkeys to defend him is over ... So really what's will he do next ? Take another break ? Let's see where in April , the JW convention start in June? Will he even Do the rebuttal of those now? There a lot of work, and time consuming...Time he could spend at the gym, write song , stand up routine , or use his fingers to swipe left or right on Tinder. So my advice Yes do take a Break ! take a loooong one this time! Bon Voyage , Arrivederci and Sayonara !