And now I'm mad . Time to release the menopause KRAKEN ! There is 2 kind of Lloyd Worshippers .You have your basic Flying monkeys. but most of them don't come on this forum ,on this thread to leave Stupid and Mean comment. Then there is the Number 2 .and yes Pun intended here !, I call them the YABUT , STILL UP HIS Butt!
There the one that say .Yes I know he cheated on his wife YA BUT his videos help so much the Ex- JW community !I know he went to Thailand . .. YA BUT his book was a great help for me waking up !
Those to me are worst than the Flying Monkey! They come in here ,knowing full well this tread is all about how Lloyd Evans is toxic , just to argue and give us Lecture how we should all stop talking about HIM and get a life ?
And yes i'm talkin about you mister I was a M.S, when i was a JW. A.K.A.BORG.OFF! Like the song said: That don't impress me much!
A lot of people on this part of the forum are working very hard to make research , tell there personnel experience they had with L.E. document some events that happened in the past . all that to show how Toxic and dangerous that #^&%$ is for the Ex-jw community . Do you know how disrespectful you are when you come in here to Argue , make SNARKY , CONDESCENDING , remark on somebodies post ?
Clearly you Don't agree with what is being post here, so may I suggest you start your own thread on this forum , where you can talk about all the wonderful videos of M.Evans that help you ,even though YABUT , you never gave him any money...who knows, maybe there will be others YABUT that will join you on your forum page , you can maybe start a club, a support group. have a once a year meeting on Zoom or in person where you can all join hands and sing : Kumbaya my LLOYD .Kumbaya...
Hey anything to not see you anymore.
P.S. YABUT still Up Lloyd Butt was not my first choice to describe him by the way...But I thought Lloyd Tapeworms would be too mean...Either way they sure like to be up his flat ASS.and drink is Youtube KOOLAID!