I think we should start one also for the M7 to see who could get the most money, That would be a hoot!!!
As long as the Goal is...
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I think we should start one also for the M7 to see who could get the most money, That would be a hoot!!!
As long as the Goal is...
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Butt-Plug kitty kat go fund me Goal is for $10,000 usd ? O.M.G!
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Any idea how much he was/is paying for rent there Toblerone5?
Sorry ForeverAlone I just saw your post. So far I didn't see anything on google about that Condo to be available ? ( It's not an apartment .they seems to be condo cause like the link of the site i gave said prodano means sold out )The month of April must be paid already , and maybe he even paid 3 month for compensation? he does have to move all those books out ,again. I'm guessing either somebody bought the flat and he is renting it to Lloyd or could it be that Lloyd made an agreement to commit to rent -to - own the property ,before the lease runs out ? Maybe that's why he said he hope the landlord won't cause him to much trouble? You can bet that if he as any problem, we are all going to know about it ! he will tweet and bitch about it for sure.
Anyway I will check from time to time, to see if that flat is for rent,cause me too I'm curious to see how much he pay per month for that. And again since he's moving out of that place
I found the address on the central telephone directory of the republic of Croatia
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Our landlord at Rama Crow has been very, very understanding and I'm hoping that he won't cause us any problems with demanding too much money
Since he said he's moving out , I guess it's ok if I post this now . This is the link where he has is studio,
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Found this ...
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With all that $$$ ,he will be able to take Break number 2 now. Let's see last year in May he went to London...But this year because of King Charles coronation in May, it must be very expensive to travel there during that week...Wanna bet that's where he will go , cause who care how much it will cost! Patreon will pay for this now...
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Know how know who he reminded me of. with the bleach botch hair ..Joffrey Baratheon ! For those who never watch Game Of Thrones ,Joffrey was a spoiled brats narcissist psychopath Tyrant who also like to sleep with prostitutes .
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the insurance for the equipment,
that what he said in is disgusted video ... Hein? What?
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Restricted mode is a setting your channel, not someone else's.
OOPS.duh! ..Thanks DerekMoors... On the other hand .do I really want to fix this...Seeing people comments on how is video was so great, good job , Amazing, is kind of a sensitive content for my brain...Hum
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his latest video, has this : Restricted Mode has hidden comments for this video. ?